Grumpy's cat is a goddess

The homeopathic process can only be described as “Holy shit - do they really believe that?” Give a healthy person a substance in increasing doses until said person gets sick/shows symptoms - those symptoms when  expressed by a sick person will be cured by the substance after it has been diluted 1-10 10 times - the

I actually made it through 3 repetitions before my ears started to bleed (was it my male ego that thought it could handle that?)

**”sincere and heartfelt apology for those offended by Saturday night’s skit”** effing mealy-mouthed ‘sorry if you were offended’ shit. I can’t even....

I only know Tim Gunn from his appearances on TV’s Craig Ferguson show - he seemed so lovable and nice.... (I am watching every single TLLS w/Craig to hide from the current idiocy both in late night TV and the Whitehouse).

But I don’t yawn when my cat yawns!?!?

I remember laughing out loud in a public space and immediately feeling embarrassed, cringed and looked around hoping no one noticed, sigh.

Along with donations theme completely unrelated note, I went to my local dental clinic and told them about a program at work called ‘christmas in July’ where we gather stuff for homeless women. My clinic gave me an unopened carton of toothbrushes, floss, and toothpaste that they hand out to customer. I was stunned by

Along with donations theme completely unrelated note, I went to my local dental clinic and told them about a program

WOW, I learn something new after 40 years - I just read a little of Wikipedia’s article. I remember how shocked everyone was that a US congressman could be murdered so casually and so many people could be convinced to commit suicide; the practice lines “this is just a test, if this had really been cyanide, you would

And gave us ’drank the Cool-aide’ - tossed off by small-minded people who do not understand the metaphor comes from something pretty horrible.

Couldn't she have at least had to cut off a finger to survive (not everyone needs to cut off an arm for a book but some suffering should be required).

Keep one of those old brick telephones around (if you still have a landline) because those old phones work even when the electricity is out. The phone lines are good as long as the lines are up.

I think bartenders call that muddling.

WOW I am still here and it is 3 years later (I am 34th on the recall list now)

It seems you are not yet at the bottom since you seem able to watch Henri - just wait until that is too much effort :-)

Ketsup is the 'foreign' spelling of an imported suace as in Ketsup Pinoy Hot Sauce.

I think I do.

OMG! I suddenly want to wear Calvin Klein.

McDonalds sends inspectors to go through the dumpster because there is an expected amount of 'spoilage' and if enough stuff is not thrown away - they are selling 'old' food.

Haters just gotta hate :)