Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Reallynow? you are replying to yourself? Someone vaccinated with dead virus does not beome a carrier. Can you possibly explain how someone who has been vaccinated with dead virii could become a carrier? What exactly do they become a carrier of?

I was going to when I first posted but got distracted - it is a PubMed (heh, yes I do PubMed!) article, here is a link to the abstract

IIRC, it is a piezoelectric effect that produces (mumble,mumble - I forget the details) that causes the bones to strengthen. Astronauts who spent too much time in space began to suffer from a form osteoporosis . I think they were working on reproducing the field created by the piezoelectric effect artificially to

I can't take my eyes off those lips - OMG, all fading to white but the lips won't go away.

This was my first reaction too - +1000 stars.

When I was a rental bartender in 1980, the big, big seller was called a "beautiful" - Courvoisier and Grand Marnier. That entire decade my drink was "a Beautiful in a heater".

And it is midnight all day now - that would be sooo weirdly cool - and those auroras are absolutely beautiful. Growing up in norther Montana we sometimes would see ribbons of color fluttering across the sky. Iceland would be like right inside of them.

I have multiple problems -GroupThink is one of them, I end up staying up til all hours reading and replying. Being unemployed and bored to tears adds to it all.

Ritalin helps you sit through an entire movie?!?! I want some of that; the only way I can sit through a movie is to actually go to a theater. Now I can sit for hours playing first-person-shooters, but I can't watch an entire hour program - I end of wandering around in the kitchen or something and miss the important

You pharmacy/state is special - I tried to give them all 3 and they refused; so I have them on the shelf next to my pills so when I start to run low, I know.

My trick was learning to sleep with my head propped on my hand and tech manual in front of me; when I heard someone behind me, I would turn a page then look around. I think the hard part was learning not to let my head fall off my hand.

My doctor is sooo cool! She writes 3 prescriptions for me with 'do not fill before' dates so that I do not have to jump through hoops. Oh, and they actually handle this over the phone - I call in and say I need my Concerta refilled and in a day or so, I get them. I need to change up my drug though as it no longer

I saw this on 60 minutes and immediately thought to myself "Pull" - who will be the first to shoot one out of the sky? Paintball teams target practice - cap them with 2-10 different colors of paint.

Sorry, I was near falling asleep when I wrote that; the Harlan story was that he was on an elevator with an attractive young woman and said "what you say to a little screw?" She looked down on him and replied "Fuck off, little screw"

When you read "The Planet Buyer", it pretty easy to tell what Cordwainer wrote and what was finished by his wife; she was a bit more of a romantic than he. Did you notice that many of the names used in his stories translate from various languages into numbers (trivia question that I learned from the notes on a

You start right off with the blond child was the victim of a crime; that is the entire point of the cries of racism. What is the crime? Was there an interpreter there? Is there anything that says that a crime was committed other than a difference in hair color and skin pigmentation?

Thank you. I noticed the drip,drip,drip of sarcasm right off the bat because if it weren't that first sentence would have stood alone - it is perfect in its completeness.

I never noticed the dates! I just assumed that since I just saw it, it must have just happened (see, it IS all about me).

The very first reply I saw looked to be a long, exhausting thingy (tirade - tl:dr) that started explaining something that you could not possibly know and/or understand because. Doesn't anyone read a story like yours and say to themselves "Wow, that is a POV that I had not considered"? rather than "Let me explain just

I am so sorry for your pain; tl;dr because it began to hurt too much. I know that you are going to get a lot of 'yesbut's so "take care" Rodger (grumpy)