Grumpy's cat is a goddess

Oooh - is this the next tinfoil-hat theory? Maybe this is the test market before they introduce them nation-wide. Almost viral marketing.

Back in days of UseNet New - alt.folklore.urban - the argument was always "shouldn't that be 'frequently ANSWERED questions'?" After 8 years, there was no definitive answer so it defaulted to 'asked' - mostly because no one cared about that particular question (and it was included in the FAQ).

I saw it too - from both sides, I was a rapper sword dancer and a tap dancer. She did not smile; that immediately works against tap and for clogging + she seldom moved her arms this is clogging; she did have some tap moves thrown in with arm moves and she even smiled during her tap moves (well, as close to a smile as

I so love Mr. Gunn - I remember when he was on TV's Craig Ferguson almost every night - what a wonderful man and all around beautiful human.

Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker (I liked the book but love the title)! You wanna hear something even worse? Too bad, here it is: some idiot is thinking of bringing the passenger pigeon back from extinction! If you think city pigeons (rats with wings) are bad, think about a sky full of pigeons so numerous that they

Freezing slows the growth of bacteria which is why they recommend not freezing for more than 6 months. Botulism is the 'feces' of the organism not the organism so something slowly producing a neurotoxin is still producing a neurotoxin. Food must be boiled for 10 minutes to kill botulism producing organisms; but that

Not exactly. Any raw food that is stored in oil creates an anaerobic environment and that is where botulism is created. Since the garlic is raw, it has not been sterilized; it is the raw part that is worrisome. You won't necessarily die but you are more likely to die if you create such an environment. I lived with a

Yeah, I know - 'people support me in email' - the term 'redskin' is racist; being anti-racist is not political correctness; other people holding onto similar racist ideation of what is or is not PC, does not mean what you think it means.

Thanks - that is what I was hoping for - maybe you will learn to stop using useless ideological

The term 'political correctness' is a corollary Godwin's Law - it is brought up whenever you are too stupid to add content to a conversation.

Tread carefully here - raw garlic in olive oil could be a botulism factory; it is anaerobic heaven for Clostridium botulinum and could give you a complete body 'facelift' leading to a good looking corpse.

OMG - did you just slam Jeze and make up this 3rd wave feminism so that you can slam all the women who don't see the world like you do so they are doing it wrong. You are doing it right and the women of Jezebel are doing it wrong and fucking up feminism - is that what you are saying? You have the answers that those

I will turn 65 this year; I split from my partner of 25 years; I have been angsting about not being 40 any more; no longer being 'pretty' any more; gaining 100 pounds. Well, I have to grow up, stop whingeing and just get on with it - I guess, pretty soon now.

Been there - doing that now, sigh.

except for the destroying the universe bit - otherwise, yeah.

I used a program that included a microphone so that you could test your pronunciation - sorry, I am not at home at the moment so I can't tell you the name but I heartily recommend a program that does allow for correct pronunciation. When my ex and I went to Paris a couple years ago, she got all the accolades but at

Same for me a couple years ago but I actually lost the phone hearing so I appealed and I lost the appeal so I appealed to the final arbiter and won - I wanted to call up that effing manager and say 'neener, neener,neener' but just smiled to myself and found a better job.

Now playing

Then there is this masterwork of an omelet in a masterwork of food porn called Tampopo.

All the chorizo I find is made from chewy, rubbery pig parts like glands so you must be using something that is 'imitation' chorizo (or maybe I shop in really cheap/authentic shops). When I was about 30, I read a book called Reinhart's Women in which he (being Reinhart) woke up and made an omelet in the first

If it is real ink, I sure hope it is the new, removable kind of tattoo.