My drink of choice is a tequila tonic with a double squeeze - it is my summer drink, not too sweet with a nice finish.
My drink of choice is a tequila tonic with a double squeeze - it is my summer drink, not too sweet with a nice finish.
Someone started a 'Maggie, we'll miss you' thread on daniweb - I couldn't believe it. I had to go over all the shit she did to the school kids, the miners, just about everybody. I am an American and I saw what she did.
Did you see "Tremors"? The gun nuts were wonderful - they were the first to actually kill one of the things - then Kevin Bacon says "Well, I guess we don't get to mock them anymore.
Thanks, I almost gave her my number the other day - I walked into the store, saw her at her station, did my shopping and she was gone.
I am pen-positive; I have cups full of pens in all my rooms. I take a hand full of pens with me everywhere and leave them where ever I see a cup of pens. I throw out all the BIC pens just to keep control of the population. When I see a pen on the ground, I study it carefully to see if it is one of the good kind (and…
I follow XKCD's advice and throw in a 'no pun intended' randomly - leaves every one slightly on the defensive.
The universe is whack with a strange sense of humor/irony. I am trying to figure out how to ask her out or how to approach her. I am not a stalker but I do choose her checkout line when I can. Yesterday, it was too busy to even chat with her. I have been thinking about asking to exchange phone #s or something like…
The universe is whack with a strange sense of humor/irony. I am trying to figure out how to ask her out or how to approach her. I am not a stalker but I do choose her checkout line when I can. Yesterday, it was too busy to even chat with her. I have been thinking about asking to exchange phone #s or something like…
What the hell is wrong with a thumb ring? I wear one - heck, I made it myself to fit, it is glass bead.
I first thought Shonen Knife but now I am looking for Shaking the Habitual.
Jeez, I stayed in bed all day - the 1st thing I did was log into Jezebel. I did not even get out of the house until about an hour ago, then I only went off to the shed to make some beads. I am not very good at it and I have no use for the beads so I give them away.
Okay, I will join you guys. From here, every horizontal surface is overwhelmed with stuff. I know that when I start, I will find something I have been looking for for weeks, then I will wander off to another room to put it where it belongs and I will pick up that library book on glass bead making that I have been…
When I was in France visiting my grandfather, he talked a lot about wine; he had a little wine cellar in the basement and he would go to different wineries and buy wine from them in bulk then decant into bottles and store them. He told me that he likes 'Red Table Wine' because he does not have the time to drink good…
Well, you could also go the other way and buy some of that shampoo that makes your grey hair shine (I think is actually dyes it in the ultraviolet ranges so the sun makes it glow - if you overuse it you can become one of the blue-haired ladies). I just discovered it but then I did not start to grey until I was in my…
I am considering not moving because there is a woman who is a checker in the neighborhood Safeway; I always go through her line, even if it is the longest. The other day I showed her the glass rings I made because there was no line and I wanted to say something to her. I have to move because I can't afford the place…
Dang! this was a week too late. My favorite belt came apart at the buckle. The belt itself is pretty complex so the buckle was attached with a separate piece of leather sewn onto the belt. I finally bought some thread and sewed it back together - last week, if I had this to go with, I would have 1) glued the pieces…
Bzzzzt - back to Fox Snooze with you - you simpering twit.
Gawd that was amazing - but for some reason Iva Bittova was screaming in the back of my brain. I melt.....
I could tell immediately they were not in Japan. That one driver though who was steering with her left hand and firing out the window with her right hand seemed a little out of sorts.
I kept hearing the sound of gunshots.. like the snapping of branches or culling the pack.