Have you tried the raspberry? I never thought of getting 2 of each to save for later, but I am not sure I can 'save' them for later.
Have you tried the raspberry? I never thought of getting 2 of each to save for later, but I am not sure I can 'save' them for later.
All of this years peeps were made last year.
I like those 'slam' oranges make of chocolate that split into segments when you slam them on the counter.
I think I love the eye makeup, the lipstick and those beautiful ears; ooh, the freckles too.
Yeah, that is what the bead-making is doing for me. It was a person who I thought could fill the hole who wanted me to teach her to make beads - in 3 weeks we set up a bench and I taught her the basics. The father of her child said get that torch out of the house or I will take you to court and get custody of your…
I plan on getting a cat from PAWS but not until I know where I will live - I worry about traumatizing a rescue kitty further. So I go out into the shed, crank up the noise, and melt glass.
Crap, I still miss the former Mrs. Grumpy - sort of, I guess. There is a gaping hole in my life where she was (I am hoping I can adjust to being single again after 25 years). On the plus side, the tv is not on all night and I can listen to music again as loud as I want - even yell insults at the universe while…
If you are in education you could have TIAA-CREF for your 401k/403b; they are pretty good but not quite as good as Vanguard. I have accounts with both; choose mutual funds. Your parents only 'lost everything' if they sold during the crash - if they stayed the course, they are probably pretty close to back to where…
I went out and rented a tank of O2, bought a tank of propane, a couple of regulators, and blow-back preventers. I cleaned out the shed - well, at least enough of it to have my lampwork set up. Everything is connected - tomorrow I will test and tighten all the connections and make my first couple glass beads. Back…
I don't understand the 'my identity completely erased' or what it means. How is your identity erased? How does this article even arise into your consciousness?
Oops! Sorry, I skipped over the first sentence but yes, I do have problems with social interactions and I work with some not so bright people. None of the things I was yelled at for were actually aimed at anyone - here in the state of WA they were going to put people's SS# on driver's licenses (possibly the worst idea…
My great grandma Rusher lived to 102; I was there for her 100th b-day. I liked to tell people that she came to Montana in a covered wagon and screamed with delight when we landed a man on the moon. Sigh. She grew up on the south side of Chicago and came to Montana on the train like a lady. When she was 98, her…
I think the point I was trying to make was that anonymous threats are never appropriate and beside the point is that my feet did not stink. I don't need someone to confide in and I don't know what your comment about HR is meant to imply. Is it ever appropriate to stand up and yell in a class (and why do you assume it…
My supervisor called me into her office for a 'chat' - it went well but it was a cover-my-ass kind of interview to go into my file. My file is pretty effing strange; during my training class it approached 2 minutes to end of the class and the instructor was not wrapping up so I pointed out the time and I was…
My summer drink is a tequila tonic with a double squeeze - it is not too sweet, the tonic is kind of bitter and lime is acidic and the tequila is peppery. My winter drink is whiskey and cola (I used to drink bourbon and coke but switched to generics because).
Yeah, we were such different planes of existence it is hard to figure out how we were able to talk with each other. At least she now knows how to make glass beads.
Yeah, I am going to go with that theory. I really needed a sad so that I could grieve - I could easily have set myself up for this. I just spent an hour sitting in the dark listening to Glenn Gould - talk about being an 'old', who else would think listening to a pianist hum to himself over his piano stylings as…
Nah, she was just operating on a different plane than I was - to give her the benefit of the doubt, she might not be aware of her 'glamor'.
I know that my sad is about more than this incident - I probably have not mourned the passing of my 25 year relationship, I am mourning my slow walk into the dieing of the light and that I am no longer 35 and pretty.
This year's Valentine's Day died early. I am old, I am fat, and I am not good looking (I used to be young, trim and pretty) but this really beautiful woman at work started paying attention to me about a year ago. Well, I was in a 25 year relationship so I just ignored it. Then Mrs. Grumpy up and left me (no blame…