Argon filled triple pane windows and foam insulation with an r value above 6 and even a small air conditioner could provide a 50 degree difference.
Argon filled triple pane windows and foam insulation with an r value above 6 and even a small air conditioner could provide a 50 degree difference.
The document also states that if you are unable to comply with these exemptions that you can apply for a permit. Lots of people fly hobby aircraft in hobby aircraft shows, you just need to let your local authorities know. They’ll be constantly handing out these exemptions to film crews.
Then you could get lots of money from people too stupid to buy a shirt that supports a real cause like human trafficking or child labor.
Or your doing something wrong because nobody ever calls an organization for social justice SJWs. It's only used for hashtag activists.
There is already a term for this. Social Justice activists. Or just activists. People who actually do something, rather than talk about being offended on the internet.
It’s often used by bigots to dismiss rightful outrage over their bigotry, however nobody called the protesters in furgeson SJWs because they are out there in the real world. People who express sanctimonious opinions about injustice on the internet and do nothing when confronted in their daily lives are why SJW is an…
Maybe it’s some sort of towed measuring device, that could account for the small size. It could be used to track sea life and not anything spy related at all.
No need a regular umbrella or cardboard box is sufficient. Has to be the worst weapon ever, only useful against naked civilians in a field. Maybe disgruntled farmers working as slaves.
The pain ray only really works within a kilometer which is a bit low to be flying over armed combatants, this could only ever be used against civilians which makes me wonder where these people are, since in any urban environment would block line of site and it doesn't work through trees.
When I approach a red light I always stop two car lengths short and close the space as see the car behind me slow down, until I know you're going to stop I want enough space to get out of your way should you be the one texting.
Couldn’t disagree more, /r/rapingwomen is a category that can only discuss violence, /r/coontown contains threads that could be in violation individually, however as a category saying racist things on the internet does not have a strong link to violence in the real world. Censorship is a big deal, can’t go around…
Roof hinged doors are less safe than other kinds of doors, Volvo would never go there. Also you can see the roof line sans hinges. It may be that they have edited out the b pillar, and in fact it is there in the real version.
Better be a koenigsegg style door or else you will never find a big enough parking space to open it.
That’s how I deal with PayPal shit, I chargeback on my CC and let them fight it out. Amex has never lost. The craziest story I have is I pitched a dress for my wife and the seller shipped it. PayPal then froze the funds after I got the item. I wanted to pay them, they wanted to get paid but they would not let the…
I’m just waiting for the call from the front desk to say it has arrived. I’m surprisingly attached to physical copies of science fiction books. It helps me delve into the universe without distraction.
A guy in my building drives one of these, it puts a smile on his face. I’d like it if it didn’t have a 4 speed gm automatic, talk about lag.
A solution could be citing papers through a reliable repository like a university library, which should provide permalinks for papers it hosts, rather than personal research pages of the author.
Linux = pc
with the accuracy of modern artillery I don't see how anybody fighting with computerized weapons would bother with a trench.