
The garbage patch is not some giant island of large pieces plastic.

if you filter ask the trolls you will find that soon you will filter everything that disagrees with your views.

Because a bonded driver has never broken the law

I'd say the consumer protection is about equal, if my driver breaks the law, Uber or taxi I ask to get out of the vehicle or I will call 911. And report them to the police. Those taxi complaint hotlines are worthless, either it's worth calling the police in which case they will longer a driver, or give them no stars

your brain on drugs... it has terrible ideas, like bringing your very expensive guns to the airport

People who shop during the day for what they are making that night. Most of the world shops like this, it's just strange Americans who fill there houses with freezers and fridges so they can buy produce at Costco and keep it for weeks before using it.

You keep yourself logged in to your device when you give it to your child? You deserve this, I spend allot of time teaching kids about technology and often give them my phone to use, I've never had a kid make a purchase on my phone because i take the two seconds to sign out of all accounts when handing it off. It's

That's because the titan is an overpriced pos compared to the AMD offerings. Two R295X2 in crossfire could do this easy. And with the new x99 chipset I bet I could run 3 just for fun.

It's called the forecast, the car knows where your going and what the weather will be like along the way, and as I said earlier it won't wait until a crash to give control it will slow down and find a safe place stop if it is not sure will be safe continue.

Why do you use the word "selfie," Goucher doesn't. If you think that this is any less challenging than an essay shows that have never made two minutes of compelling video your entire life. Just pick any one of your articles and try to produce your own one minute video about it and you will realize this no gimmick.

Though they do say that they won't mark on production quality, nowhere does it say "selfie", after you say your name you don't ever have to be screen. You could make an animation, use your friends as actors, cut together footage from your favorite movies. All you have to do is use the prompt "How do your see yourself

I would say your ability to produce two minutes of compelling video, that could be made without holding an iPhone at arms length, is more indicative of your character and intelligence than SAT scores or your grades in school. I find watching a two minute about a piece of software way nicer that reading it's

the car can check the weather. If it's a black ice / whiteout forecast it will refuse to ever take control and tell you stay home. If the car in front of you crashes it will still stop in time, because it won't be tailgating them like a moron. If something falls off a truck, you will still probably far enough to

this can usually be circumvented by calling the driver and arranging to meet at the departures level, where there is no where near as many people waiting.

i would assume the only reason to use the united all is because they've figured out how to give the driver just the right amount of notice to pick you up, taking into account taxi time and the baggage delays otherwise you could just us it when you got your bags, there is always a driver near the air port.

the car would almost never give you control if it knows a collision is imminent, you will defiantly have a worse reaction time and slamming on the brakes is what cars with abs are good at. It would most likely pull up to an intersection where an major collision had already happened, and say, I'm not really sure how

I don't know why people think that the car will hand you back control as your headed right into another car without breaking. Volvo already brakes for you, the autonomous system will ask you to take over, but if your input isn't detdetected or you fail to avoid imminent danger the car will slam the brakes, unlock

Recharge with the rotation of the wheels? Why wasn't this the original design?

I would challenge that rule, unless you've been charged with something you could have been pulled over for dwb.

1) 2001 A Space Odessy