I’ll take the bait here.
I’ll take the bait here.
The thing that really annoys me is that they refer to “The Pill” as though there is only one hormonal birth control option out there and it’s this giant monolithic EVERYONE’S EXPERIENCES ARE THE SAME.
Wow this was a completely unnecessary article. Not everything has to be hated on. He seems pleasant. People are excited by a pleasant person. Why the handwringing?
I had assumed that the theme was camp as in summer camp. And I am disappointed to learn that it’s not.
Welp, made it until 9:25 on a Monday morning before I hated everything. Great job everyone.
Subject (and strange choice of target for scorn) aside, this isn’t even an article. There’s no through line, no theory, no point you ever get to. It’s just a collection of quotes from people with no underlying theme to hold it together. What was your conclusion after listening to all these interviews and podcasts?…
My mother in law has a picture of flowers in a vase embroidered out of the hair of her dead ancestors. It’s disgusting.
you have to remember that trump’s father was born in a very different time and in a very different geopolitical climate. the germany we know today is not what existed back then, as it was split into separate parts: there was an east germany, a west germany and a very very west germany, located in the bronx.
If your comment was a person:
lol i can’t believe i just pretended my kids only eat these muffins in moderation.
Exactly. Fondant should be very thin. I’m not even pro fondant (I take it off if it’s present) but the hate is a little over blown. Though I am anti fondant on cookies.
I’d rather eat fondant than grocery store cakes. They all have shortening in their frostings which tastes like sweet plastic.
Making good tasting fondant is an art. My bakery works very hard to make delicious tasting fondant that also serves its utilitarian purpose. My fondant base is simply marshmallows, water, icing sugar, and natural vanilla. If the customer wants the fondant to have another flavour (berry, mint, etc) we will try our best…
I’m struggling between “don’t feed trolls” and “everyone needs to see this"
It doesn’t matter what size your labia is with this outfit. It matters whether you plan to move your legs more than one millimeter apart while wearing it. Because if your legs move, your labia move, and that bodysuit will end up cutting you in half in a way that is so painful that, you, being a man - can’t even…
If you’re past a certain age this cut gives you nightmares. Hardly anybody looks good in it, but there was an era (80’s and early 90’s) where high leg swimsuits and panties were the only option. Prepare to spend your time at the beach digging your swimsuit out of your ass/labia and your time outside of the beach…
I am a 90s girl and to this day still maintain that Mellon Collie is one of the best alternative albums ever released and that Tonight, Tonight is one of the best music videos ever created. The Pumpkins still have great replay value, though I will admit that “The Perfect Drug” and “Closer to God” are as far as I go for…
Gotta disagree hard on this one. IMO Jagged Little Pill holds up as a top 10 90s album. It’s a viscerally angry album and Alanis is SO GOOD at getting her emotions across.
I’m a clinical social worker (just like Karamo!) and this article is basically every parent calling me to complain that I’m not being hard enough on their kid and change isn’t happening fast enough. Effective change comes from communicating connection and acceptance, while also leading the client to their own…