FYI. The recent TAL episode called Beware of Jabberwock has a pretty interesting interview with one of the Sandy Hook fathers re: the online trolls ad Alex Jones.
Jane Buckingham, a so-called “millennial expert”
So this is what social conservatism looks like.
Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
I see why we compare the US to Sweden for this issue in some ways, but then I don’t. They have better access to healthcare overall, policies that allow for more time off work, public higher education, and about 10 million people vs. our 350. It seems like the rate of C-sections,while definitely a difference, can’t…
So he doesn’t go to an anti-gay church, he just goes to a “hate the sin, love the sinner” type church when it comes to the gays? They don’t hate gays, they accept them and forgive them?
And I think it doesn’t matter whether this was the toddler’s mind protecting him in his despair via imaginary bear friend, or a real bear friend protecting the little boy. The end result is that a three-year-old child is alive and safe. I’m perfectly willing to settle for this.
Seriously. I’m super duper white and the first thought in my head when I read this was how much I hate white people. Watching these entitled, awful people treat this man the way they did especially makes me sick as here in Canada we are equally terrible to our First Nations people.
It’s true. We’re the worst.
Preach! I have a HUGE library. I purchased floor to ceiling shelves to line two long walls with bookcases, and I also have bookcases in my bedroom and my office. I use them all the time. I have a big reference collection and rare books I’ve collected (as well as signed books that are now worth $$$).
Just to be clear: Ezra Levant is not a “political commentator.” He’s hate-mongering, petro-shilling, far-right racist who’s been justly exiled to wacko fringe of Canadian media.
The problem with eastern European beet recipes are that they’re the same as English Brussels sprouts recipes.
Period sneezes are the absolute worst. It’s a gamble every time!
I hate this cause I know exactly why this clickbait article was written and I’m falling for it but I don’t care.
It is a custard.
not necessarily MUCH more.
Honestly, if it had a dick, that just means more cookie.