This is an unexpected outcome. Who could possibly have predicted that it would have taken two years for somebody to think up this excuse?
This is an unexpected outcome. Who could possibly have predicted that when the most infamous man in the world brags about sexually assaulting many women, defends others who do so, and elevates one of them to the Supreme Court, low-level slimes like this guy would decide the restraints are off.
When my kids were at that stage, I kid you not, I often put them in tomorrow’s clothes right before bed.
I feel you on this. My 5 yo used to like unicorns on her shirts but now often thinks she is scared of unicorns. And then once in the car, she has decided she is no longer scared of unicorns and needs her unicorn sweatshirt NOW.
This is why I started to shower at night again. My husband is not a morning person, and will never skip a shower in the a.m. The onus is always on me to cut corners while getting ready if we’re running behind. Yet, he is the one we’re usually waiting on despite getting myself AND my son ready??????? He takes the night…
God, this. Wake up, wash and dress self, make breakfast for child, cajole child to eat breakfast, listen to ten minute tantrum about how child doesn’t want to go to preschool today, make some semblance of a healthy lunch for child to take to school, fight with child about the necessity of wearing clothes to school…
So, my alarm clock goes off around 6:30, and I’m up and getting dressed just after that. I get about 8 hours a night. But... I have to be at work. I don’t have time to dick around. What are these people’s schedules that they can work out for an hour and make breakfast??
Honestly, every little reminder that I’m still well within “normal” time frame is comforting, so thank you.
I used to judge strollers, but now I have a kid with a heart condition who might need one for longer ventures at that age, but you wouldn’t be able to tell from looking at her that she isn’t healthy.
I was with you at first on the breastfeeding into childhood. I was on the fence with the leash— my kids never needed it, but if I lived in an urban area and my kid kept running into the road or away from me in crowds, I’d try it.
why would you be so mean to kim cattrall?
I kind of like the idea of a church knave though. Just some dude hanging around the church being a dick.
I hear wind chimes.
Unpopular opinion: American Psycho was just as awful as the book upon which it is based. It was a boring porno that tried to dress itself up as art and failed at both.
OOhhhkayyyy yeah I was living in Toronto when they were working on this. Here’s the thing....I thought we wanted to teach people about consent? I thought that was a major current goal? But we’re laughing at someone talking about that, because they're religious so they must not know what is even falling from their…
I heard he’s going to be directing a production of Street Car starring Lindsey Graham as Blanche Dubois.
He’s moving over to the theatre department to teach acting classes in privileged white male histrionics and crying on cue.
The most confusing entry here is that he plays golf for 30 minutes. I’m no golf pro or anything, but the last time I played golf it took like 4 hours.