thank god for this fish - i live in constant fear of giant ducks.
Sup, I’m from Niagara as well and I am FLOORED at his win. I’m all for young people getting into politics, even if they’re PC but fuuuuuccccckkkk. This is just ridiculous.
One of my proudest accomplishments is turning my grandma into a liberal. She had also voted conservative her entire life (she lives in dundas so duh). After she voted for Trudeau she told me “you know, my father would be rolling over in his grave” and I told her he’d be doing the same if he came across Stephen Harper…
The sex ed curriculum in question is that taught in elementary schools, and to health students in grade 9, and it is not anti-LGBT to that extent. A psychology course, like the one mentioned in the tweet by Tegan and Sara, was a high school course which would have its own curriculum documents.
As a Canadian, and even someone from Ontario (I tried to write Ontarian, and it just looks wrong), this is depressing yes, but could be a lot worse. The sex ed curriculum from 1998 is not abstinence based, it doesn’t lie about STIs or birth control to scare kids. It was a reasonably good curriculum—it just needed…
What’s worse is that the main sticking point for many of the pearl clutchers was the inclusion of teaching about homosexuality and gay marriage. Thing is.... LGBTQ people have rights, including the right to marry. It’s the law, it MUST be taught to them so repealing the curriculum does nothing to stop students from…
In all fairness, he didn’t inject himself, he was asked if he could help in any way. He actually sent a bunch of engineers from The Boring Company along with battery packs and water pumps to be able to pump out water deeper in the cave. In addition to that, he had people work on the tube that could hold the kids and…
Scott Pruitt.
God thank you! So sick of the Antoni bashing. He’s not trying to turn these guys into instant Marthas or Bourdains.
He can cook. I don’t know where this is coming from. He gives the people on Queer Eye easy stuff because the point is they can’t cook. I don’t know why this is a difficult concept to understand. But if you follow his social media he definitely can cook. And knows his food and wine.
Chris Evans’ twitter feed is mostly him taking pictures of his dog and bitch-slapping right wingers. That’s all I need to know to consider him the best Chris. This PSA with Chris Pine puts him in close second, though.
Trying to slip his Jesusing between jokes about poop is the “put a pill in hamburger” of acceptance speeches.
We are grown ass women. We have been dealing with this shit our whole lives. Do you think he is telling us anything new? It’s patronizing.
The lack of self awareness is off the fucking charts, especially as a big dude. It’s like please tell five foot nothing me that I need to be careful of my surroundings. I fucking know!
The reason that people get irritated when men or the police say things like this, it makes it seem like we don’t know. Trust me, since you gave your size, as a five foot, petite woman, I am ALWAYS aware. Most women are. We have had to deal with this shit are entire lives.
Wow, you seem like a pretty genuinely awful person. I was going to say more, but no that suffices. You’re awful.
I was really caught off guard by the outpouring of emotion about AB’s death. I’d been a big fan of his for 20+ years. I know that he was a famous, popular figure, but I had no idea the depth and breadth of his fandom.