Trudeau obviously knew he was full of shit; in fact, most Canadians know he’s full of shit on this - Canadian media have been covering it ever since 45* started spouting off about the imaginary trade deficit during the campaign. No biggie, just the idiot being the idiot.
FYI, the choice of Viola Desmond may have been due, in part, to calls for better representation... but it’s certainly not about our country apologizing for its racism. The criteria was to get a great Canadian woman on the bill... there is no effort on the politicians’/bureaucrats’ end to specifically apologize for any…
She’s not the Canadian Rosa Parks. She’s Viola Desmond.
Nova Scotian here (the province where Viola Desmond was from) Just a couple things: I don’t think Canada put Viola Desmond on the $10 to apologize for racism. The Bank of Canada asked for nominations for a woman to honour on our currency, and a lot of people were suggested (the Famous Five, Therese Casgrain, Agnes…
I feel like male actors get to make a LOT more than 2 critically meh/financially unsuccessful movies before people start questioning whether their careers are over or ruined. Especially if that actor’s resume includes being the lead in a successful franchise and an Oscar win (among three other nominations). Jennifer…
I swear, she didn’t. I remember reading it and laughing because it was so fucking ridiculous!! I mean, aside from the awful pseudo-BDSM and horrible modeling of how people in relationships should behave and the not-very-kinky but very repetetive sex scenes, the books were hilarious because they were clearly written by…
Nobody enjoyed The Great Wall.
I swear!! It’s in the book! She’s fucking AMAZED at having her own email address. It. Is. Insane. There is no possible way she graduated college in 2011 (or whatever) and never had an email address. She’s in the first generation to GROW UP with the internet as we know it! But I guess we’re supposed to believe that…
I would probably respond to this article, Drew, but I need to check with George Soros on what liberal talking points and affirmations I need for this subject. As a paid protester and actor hired by Open Society Foundations, I want to properly represent my opinion that aligns with His (Soros) views.
One other factor might be that the shape of the runners on the luge (which are more like a traditional toboggan) makes it more prone to running up the side wall of the track and launching you out of it like that Georgian guy who died practising for the luge at the 2014 Olympics. Visibility is probably the biggest…
I had wondered which was scarier. Feet first, low visibility or face first, high visibility.
Let’s not forget the Winter Games continue through March 2018. Let’s continue to support our Paralympians through to the end of the actual games.
The actress, who grew up in Canada’s Ontario province,
While we’re on the topic, he fancied himself a ‘rockstar’ and a ‘drummer.’ BUT HE WAS IN MOXY FRUVUS! MOXY FRUVUS WAS BASICALLY A JOKE BAND!
I attended the 1996 World Figure Skating Championships in Edmonton, which Michelle Kwan won, and in which Tara Lipinski finished 15th. I remember watching Tara in practices, where you could sit close to the ice, and her jumps were just *so* tiny. I remember being unimpressed by her and I wonder how both Michelle’s and…
For some reason I’m reminded of Bruce McCulloch’s mannerisms, especially when he’s playing women:
Jian Ghomeshi has always had a reputation in Toronto for being slimy and creepy. He would show up to events and shows with a different young woman every time. Everyone around here has always thought he was gross. When I watched this 4 years ago, when it aired on tv, I noticed him hitting on her and talked to my…