
Me! I got it when I was a kid. I guess I had strep and never noticed? Suddenly had the horrible rash. I started antibiotics immediately and was sick for ages. Took quite a while to feel normal again. I have a murmur that they think may be related to it. Though I think it may have eked into rheumatic fever territory by

I live in central Canada. My baby is only 2 months old, but no issues with the public breastfeeding yet. We’ve nursed at the doctors office, coffee shop, mall, in the car in a parking lot, and at my office for a visit. If it weren’t winter, we’d have nursed outside by now. This evening I am meeting a friend for dinner

I wore a massive pair of scrubs. I’m 3 weeks postpartum and slender and my stomach looks nothing like that. I don’t even know if it would with a belly binder... I’m amazed at how great she looks and am only slightly bitter that I do not look that great. But yes, the boobs. At the peak of engorgement I had a dream

Frozen. How are you not dead yet?

HA! I had that the other week. None of my coats do up all the way and I’m due very very soon so like hell I’m buying a new one. “Aren’t you cold?” “No...” “Well I’m worried about the baby.” It’s regulating its own temperature at this point and it’s inside me. It’s just fine at like 5 celsius for a few minutes, thank

Oh of course not. The baby doesn’t care. I have purchased some things I thought were cute that are boyish as well as girlish and a bunch of stuff in the middle. In all honesty - I just really love yellows, greens, oranges, purples and I hate how everything baby is pink or blue. There’s a HUGE spectrum of colours out

We know the sex of our baby but are refusing to tell anyone. They can wait. The reactions of people have been ridiculous. In addition to the “Why wouldn’t you tell people, that’s stupid” responses, I also get a lot of “What am I supposed to buy the baby if I don’t know what it is?” My answer is “nothing.” Because

I’m an NDP voter and I did vote NDP this time, though in a riding where it wouldn’t have mattered (even though I think everyone expected it to be much closer between NDP and Lib than it actually was). I voted for the local candidate I liked the best rather than federally... But really - I felt the same way with

This is my grandparents to a T. As old conservatives they have never voted for any other party and they never will. In spite of the fact that they are where they are today (which is in a pretty good place quite frankly) because of left-wing policies.

Ugh, the Shy Tory Factor. :(

Fellow Canadians - please go out and vote today if you did not take advantage of advance polling! We have suffered through so many apathetic elections with low voter turn out and the country is feeling the effects of that now.
Please let Harper’s brand of fear-mongering, agenda-driven conservatism die. Don’t forget

Yes! Beach Ball - that’s exactly what I look like now... :S

Same here. I am all belly because there just isn’t anywhere else for this thing to go. When I was 6 months I had several people I didn’t know comment on how I must be “due any day now”. Nope. 3 months away. I’ve dropped now that I’m in the home stretch, but it still looks like there’s a giant beach ball under my shirt.

I attended a really awesome gothic romance discussion and screening of Orson Welles’ Jane Eyre with del Toro in... August maybe? Just before TIFF. It was 3 separate screenings (Hitchcock’s Rebecca and Lean’s Great Expectations) but I could only make it to the one. It was fantastic! He was just lovely and he talked a

It would depend on how customized the modification I think. We raised our bathroom vanity 1.5 inches for my 6ft husband who has back issues. It’s a bit of a pain for me since I’m 5’2”, but no one else seems to notice and I doubt it would be anything that would affect the resale value. It’s not the perfect customized

I have had soooo many discussions with people who keep posting bogus stats about the state of Autism diagnosis. There’s one particularly virulent facebook meme that keeps going around and it drives me nuts. I go all “someone is wrong on the internet!” when it happens. Yes - autism diagnoses have increased - this is,

Yes... Wine until you come to your senses and can make rational decisions about your hair again. I have been traumatized by bangs and short hair (just can’t pull them off) and my reasonable persona usually negates these for me when I go to the hairdresser. But post-any-significant-life-event I’m all “It’s time for a

These things are super regional within Canada though and I don’t think very common? I’ve never heard of them being referred to as a social (I’m in Ontario) - but stag and doe, buck and doe and Jack and Jill I have heard of. Though typically when people have a Jack and Jill they forgo the bridal shower whereas the

Oh oh! I was one of those kids that loooved me some club soda. You can minimize the sugar overload from juice by just mixing a tiny bit in with the club soda/seltzer if you’re not sending cans. It may be a little ‘grown up’ but now I get unsweetened plain cranberry juice and just put a dash in. If the kid is a selzter

Please don't lump Toronto in with SOME of Toronto's stupidity. Also - we finally fixed that mess. For now...