
This actually used to be the case in Ontario so many first year university students were 19/20. It wasn’t until 2003 (I think) in Ontario that they got rid of the OAC year. Which was your 5th year of highschool. You could opt not take OACs and go for a 4 year highschool diploma, but then you could not attend

No way! When did this start? 2012 - AMAZING! It’s been my family’s nickname for him since he took office... I want one.

The hair jealousy is getting out of hand. I mean - Harper could take proper action and ditch the lego-man haircut. It’s not that hard! But that would be a reasonable response to a problem and I think he has proven himself anything but reasonable...

Yes! I thought I was the only one - kinship!

You betcha - but there’s still pretty big IF in there.

Ah, reading comprehension fail on my part!

WHAT!? I just assumed everyone did! But no... it is probably the most delicious seeming of specialty dog food items:

Hmm... now it doesn't sound like the yak milk chews at all ;)!

So is it essentially the same as the Himalayan Yak Milk Chews that I buy my dog? Because I have been tempted to try those a few times

Oh god - the maggot cheese! I’ve seen that on a few food shows and it creeps the shit out of me. I have never turned my nose up at a cheese but I could not do that one...

Yes! Solidarity!

Good point! Also - your bra bomb better work!

Yup... As someone who is currently pregnant I can anecdotally confirm that so many people think they need to say something to you and that they see no problem in invading your personal space to do so. I have managed to avoid belly touching, but I have a feeling that’s because I have natural propensity to give cut-eye.

I think you meant: And she was in Robin Thicke that douchebag’s “Blurred Lines” video. ;)

I found it: https://webspace.yale.edu/anth254/restri…
(also “restricted” - c’mon Yale, that is some lax webspace protection)...
Anyway - I fucking love those repressive bentos as an outsider. I would fail miserably if I even tried.

Way back in undergrad I took the “anthropology of food” (that’s a real course I swear!). There was a great article I remember vividly about obento in Japan and it’s role in enforcing gender norms and defining conceptions of motherhood.

Starred because your name is so well-aligned with this comment! I love it.

Not the thing-a-ma-bobs? I’ve got twenty.

I love me my physical sunblocks. A little extra whiteness and grease is worth it.

I watched this from home and could hear him the whole time. I just assumed that when he threw the mic he was done because... Kanye...