
This is the first thing I think of whenever I hear “Test Tube Baby”

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And because now I am knee deep in old Simpsons episodes... for those of you who are, sadly, too young to remember Simpsons when it was good:

The first probably 6 or so seasons of The Simpsons (depending, I think you could probably argue up until season 8) were very similar to BB in terms of family dynamics. Sure, Homer was a much bigger idiot than Bob, but they were not cruel and it the undertones were very much about the importance of family. God I miss

Well I booked a better seat when I checked in early and online like I always do but then they changed it and I got stuck in the crappy seat. Since you’re clearly an inconsiderate tall jerk I guess it would be too much to ask you NOT be such an asshole and get off your ass and NOT book the seat right in front of the

There is a special place in hell for people who push their seat back all the way at the start of the flight. In fact, I’m pretty sure there is an even more special place in hell is for people who push their seat all the way back when they are the second row from the back of the plane. What? No - I’ve never been

Seriously! The very first thing I thought of when I saw that photo was this:

I never said it wasn’t animal abuse - I agree that it is. Not sure where you got that I was condoning and/or didn’t think it was abuse. I was just providing a probable explanation for why his cockfighting involvement doesn’t come under the same scrutiny. The cockfighting industry in the Philippines is far more massive

I’m sure it gets far less negative attention because it’s still incredibly popular in the Philippines. While I vehemently disagree with cockfighting it’s a societal norm in his country. It’s not seen in the same light as dog fights.

Just agreeing that PLoS journals are kinda overrated. It’s an interesting publishing model and those who submit tend to regard that highly - but their review and acceptance process has been questionable for quite some time.

See, I hate shopping too - though less so for home goods (unless it’s Ikea, I just loathe Ikea) - but I’d much rather go with someone else than alone purely because it takes my mind off the actual shopping.

Seriously! We made some great PSAs in the 80s and early 90s. I still so vividly remember that “your brain on drugs” one with the brain made of wires that goes on the fritz.

Oh god yes! There’s someone on facebook I can’t drop who places #mama at the end of everything she posts. I mean really? “Baby at some cake today #mama” “I made everyone a healthy dinner tonight #mama”

I love that skit! I thought about it when I posted - ooooh how I longed that SOMETHING in that unit had been avocado!!

We had lots of beige/brown/dusty rose furniture in the 80s. So I definitely remember those colours but there was also a lot of pink on the walls and ugly wallpaper- which eventually was put aside for early 90s hunter green. Though I feel like my parents might have been anomalous. We had a primary blue velour sofa with

Our condo building was built in 1986. We bid on more than one unit, one of which had a salmon pink bathtub with salmon pink tiling, a lot of 'bronze' and floral wallpaper everywhere. The unit we ended up buying had been repainted and had a white bathtub but still had that horrid pink tiling in the shower. I remember

Congratulations! I’m only 7 weeks along right now. Not barfy, but a little bit of regular nausea here and there. I am so fucking burby though. I have never burped this much in my life. Also - I am having what I can only describe as uterine nausea... soooo terrible

accordingto hit the nail on the head here. You need to find a different trainer. Look for one who is certified (CCPDT-KA ideally) and who has good reviews. Training style is technically a personal choice- but I am a strong proponent of positive reinforcement training and a prong-collar is probably not necessary if you

I feel you here. So much. I was also a victim of my equivalent middle-school “They.” Their cruelty seems universal... God it was such a terrible time!

I'm not a fan of They're Real either. None of the Benefit mascaras seem to work well on me. I did stick it out with the Bad Gal for a while because I was gifted a big tube and I was too lazy to go find another.

Same. It drives my husband insane - and I TRY to remember! I really do! But I have such a mental block about closing things like that. I realize that it would take me no time at all to make sure that the jar is closed or the medicine cabinet is closed but gah - I just don't think about it. We have an armoire door that