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I just... I can't stop thinking of this:

This isn't good naked.

Oh her actual 'coat'... They have fur like a husky. It gets ridiculously thick and dense in the winter. That said - my neighbour has this coat for her puggle: http://www.chillydogs.ca/index.php/prod… and some pretty heavy duty boots and he seems to do okay!

Yeah... it's waterproof which made me doubly upset while I tried to fix my raccoon eyes in the bathroom. I have a 40 minute walk to work and I refused to take transit on a feels like -33 day. So really, my tip should have been "drive or take transit" but yunno...

This isn't cold weather gear but is still appropriate.... Coldest-Southern-Ontarian-February-since-1978 cold weather makeup tip: if you are walking anywhere do NOT put your mascara on before you leave the house, do it elsewhere, later. I learned this the hard way when eyes started watering from the cold wind and my

Librarian chiming in here - as a profession, information science is as relevant if not more relevant than ever. This is sometimes hard for people to see since a lot of the work that we do currently happens in the background and librarians-as-a-whole have difficulty with the concept of marketing. This is something that

I actually did this for 3 years between my sulfate-containing (and crunchy horrible hair) and now sulfate-free (and softer, so much less frizz) shampoo life. I dunno what happened but after 3 years it just kinda stopped working for me... It was soooo cheap to maintain my hair when it was working though. My husband

Same here for my wavy hair. Sulfate free shampoo allllll the way...

My corgi is a hazard. It is true... especially when I am in the kitchen chopping carrots (which she loves to bits). Regarding the weaving between the legs thing. This comes out a ton in their play with other dogs, particularly larger ones. When they are wrestling and running together the corgi tends to roll

It's not necessarily a problem everywhere in the Caribbean - there are still several places where no-one is allowed 'ownership' of the beach and it is free for everyone (locals included) to use, even when there is a resort. St. Lucia, for example. Cognizant travel is important.

I think it would depend on where you go. Certain areas (Holguin) aren't as built up as other major tourist spots (Varadero) but it's hard to find prime beach space that isn't full of resorts or in the process of building new ones. Cuba also suffers from the same problems many other Caribbean nations have with resorts

I think it would depend on where you go. Certain areas (Holguin) aren't as built up as other major tourist spots (Varadero) but it's hard to find prime beach space that isn't full of resorts or in the process of building new ones. Cuba also suffers from the same problems many other Caribbean nations have with resorts

It's pretty well already taken over with resorts... We Canadians and the Europeans have got that covered :(
That said - Cuba is lovely and the people are wonderful.

Ooooh Peter McKay... He's the worst. Followed closely by Rona Ambrose...

Jazzercise was amazing! My childhood self was OBSESSED with aerobics and workout gear in the late 80s and I used to love Kathy Smith videos. I begged for the "Get in Shape Girl" pink workout set and I got it one Christmas. Ahhh... this video - so many memories.

It is at least the same in Canada. This year our poppy sales/donations have actually hit record numbers. Lest we forget!

I joined just to agree with this. Librarian Solidarity!