
I don't think SNL was satirizing the car commercial, I think it was satirizing dumb Muslim teenage girls joining ISIS.

Haven't heard everything they've done, but Art of Noise's Moments In Love is a synthpop gem.

How could I forget 808 State? Both 808 State and Orbital started in the 80s.

I think you could put Art of Noise and Tears for Fears on this list.
Even Phil Collins solo stuff.

No way Ruffalo's name should come before Chris Evans in the credits.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but you can't make a "great" movie from an awful book. Fincher's movie was a disappointing bore. Rooney Mara was not remotely appealing in it.

The books were better than the movies.

Actually, I think it's progressives who mostly make the FirstWorldProblem remarks. Conservatives don't care.
And progressives at least pretend to romanticize the third world, and criticize the First.

I kind of think movie reviews are mostly a #FirstWorld thing.
People in the Third World have more important things to worry about.

I liked Nightcrawler, but really it's fifty-something's Gilroy first hit movie.
He should worry more about is paltry IMDB resume.
OMG: Gilroy's next screenplay is a superhero movie. Stan Lee's Annihilator.
He also worked on the robot movie Real Steel.

The idea that one of only two creators of a show, and also one of the executive producers and writers, has no responsibility for the tone of the show or the characters on it,
well, nice piece of denial.

I love it when writers intentionally play the omissions game.
2 Broke Girls was co-created by actress/comedian Whitney Cummings,
but you can't find her name in this at all.

I guess you could call it Twin Peaks fan fiction, the way 50 Shades of Grey started out
as Twilight fan fiction.

First thing I saw Natalie Morales in was The Middleman, a good show canceled way too early.

Trying to decipher what sentences are sarcastic and which aren't.

Never heard of this show, but it looks like I'm lucky.

I guess the writer decided on an angle and decided to go with it.
I actually watched and liked Wake Up Call, instead of yelling at people, he's like a charming, likable Samoan Schwarzenegger from 25 years ago, not the way he is now.
It's a decent self-help "reality" show. Real people with real problems.

So basically the murder/cannibalism angle seems borrowed from Megan Fox's Jennifer's Body.

People should do what makes them happy. But if I had to choose between using birth control or getting pregnant with twins and leaving a good TV show I was a good part of (Sarah Shahi) I would pick birth control.
In Shahi's last episode where she got shot, Person of Interest used music by The Glitch Mob during one of