
My concern is I hope the new show is better than Agent Carter.

I don't think Denzel Washington who won an Oscar for Training Day was being subservient.
Equality includes not whining and fake accusations of racism when you don't get what you want.

"stylish": I watched the first three hours then gave up. The best thing about it was the visuals, it did look good. But for me that was the best thing about it.

Unfortunately your trolling doesn't fix that it's a boring show with unlikable characters. They really let Hayley Atwell down.

In my opinion, Marvel botched the female headlining Agent Carter.
Wonder if this female lead show will be a dud, too.

Watched a couple of their music videos once.
Not a Haim fan, unfortunately. But picking someone good might show up Taylor Swift.

I guess my having never heard of comedian Tig Notaro is the glitch.
Maybe I should watch more Comedy Central.

Not a hipster, just regular English.

Interesting slang you speak.
I don't speak it.

Good one.

Irrational Man starring…Joaquin Phoenix. Makes sense.

From the movie 10 Things I Hate About You: "What's a backer?" "Someone with money who is stupid."

If this movie is bad and bombs at the box office this is probably the Wachowski's last big budget movie.

I really like Haley Atwell, but unfortunately found this show boring and the characters unlikeable. But it looked good visually, though.

I liked her movie Drones. I discovered James Urbaniak in that.

I didn't see it, but it was probably the comedy that was terrible, not the sets, cinematography, etc.

As far as production values go, like sets, cinematography, stunts, and special effects, it does.

Someday a popcorn movie will be announced I actually want to see.

Skeptical French TV is better than American TV. I don't think they have the same amount of money to spend as Hollywood.