
Before Depp started playing the pirate, most of his movies were box office bombs, also.
But the movie is primarily director's David Koepp's fault, who didn't write it, but whose day job is Hollywood screenwriter.

Not exclusively, I posted a short clip, they stole Dazed and Confused from a white guy, the opening to Stairway to Heaven I think the group they took that from was white, too.

A teacher in a motion graphics class brought it up for some reason.
Showed this clip from a documentary on Vimeo that has examples.

Discovered in a class recently that Led Zeppelin did more than their share of ripping other songs off.

Funny description of Berlanti's new show.
As if powerful syndicates hire snipers to only kill bad guys.
It will be hard to suspend disbelief on that one, but The Blacklist is a great action show.

You would know.

The only Cure album I have is Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, which I think is pretty good.

I forgot, Detroit Michigan is to blame for the Nazis and WW2.
It wasn't their tanks, their planes, their bombs, their gas chambers. It was American trucks to blame for it all.
You got me.

Except when England gets in trouble and desperately needs our help.
And the Kuwaitis were very grateful when the USA kicked out the Iraqis.

Actually, I didn't say anything about the movie that someone who has only read about it can't say. If you happen to be on Twitter, type Jane Fonda's name into the search box.
Jane Fonda really liked American Sniper, called it "powerful", and praised Eastwood, Cooper.

Actually, this whole thread started with just saying I found Seth Rogen's clarifications unconvincing. That's it. It was about Rogen, not the movie.

Let's see, what does that mean? I think it means I haven't gone to a movie theater, bought a ticket , and watched a movie. At least in my universe it does.

Moore is a propagandist because he is dishonest.
I haven't seen American Sniper, but I haven't heard anyone say it misrepresented the story of an American soldier, just Lefties upset it's not a negative movie about Chris Kyle.

If you label a pro-American movie "propaganda", do you label Oliver Stone's Platoon and Salvador "anti-American propaganda" ? I kind of doubt it.

I agree your comment was very tedious, take your own advice in the first sentence.

Give me a break. The Nazis had their true believers like the SS who did the worst of the worst. The Gestapo was mostly staffed from the regular police.

Michael Moore makes propaganda.
But the big difference is Clint Eastwood, Bradley Cooper, and Chris Kyle aren't/weren't Nazis.

Kid Rock's dumb remark doesn't make Seth Rogen's phony "clarifications" any more believable. Comparing an American war movie to a Nazi propaganda movie is an insult, no matter how much he tries to walk it back.

Jon Stewart is a very rich liberal, makes $30 million a year on The Daily Show, and Stephen Colbert makes millions, too. Good for them. They are comedians, not political activists.

Give me a break Ellsworth. If you talk like Occupy Wall Street but live like an investment banker, something's wrong. And suing the Weinsteins for $3 million is pursuing wealth, it didn't magically fall into his lap.
But since Katrina vanden Huevel finances Nation magazine with family wealth,
and global warming alarmist