
The only interactions with this topic I've had were on one of the Gawker sites (forget which one) where I tried to say that people were over-generalizing when it came to asserting male harassment and was swiftly shouted down and a corner of the internet that is less left wherein there was widespread criticism of the

When I first read the initial release, I was very confused, but after seeing further posts regarding turning this into more of a franchise with comics, novels, movies, etc, it does make more sense. A movie about Xerath working with Nasus to overthrow Azir only to be an even worse dictator? Sounds cool! A book

Playing games? No. Writing code for mods? Yes. I write code for a living so of course personal projects are valid things.

I'm not familiar with the game or technology, but this just sounds like a case of false advertising which is a perfectly reasonable thing to sue over. Whether or not it's actually false advertising is apparently up for debate.

any time you have limited resources, you're going to run into problems with population. In a colony setting, you'd want a controlled expansion rate, perhaps with planned couplings based purely on genetic diversity. The most extreme case would be the idea of individuals mating in a controlled and planned fashion and

So... about that airbag-scarf-bike-helmet-thing. Wouldn't airbags be possible? I mean, it couldn't prevent head-to-head impacts, but maybe it could save you when you slam into the ground.

Eh, she had something against me; she treated most people normally. She constantly threatened to send me to the principal's office for trivial things and did everything in her power to prevent me from writing with my left hand. I never understood why she hated me.

I've tried it using my phone as the filter, but to no avail. I'm guessing the calibration is just sufficiently off or something. True color filters would likely work quite well.

It depends on the context of it. A friend of mine wants to get a shirt that says "I [heart-shaped colorblindness test that says 'secretly loathe'] colorblind people" and then only wear it when he's around me.

My hometown is like that. One stop light for a dinky little town with nothing but cornfields for miles, only for us I believe it switches to flashing mode at 1 AM. Regardless, I can never remember which way is which, so I just follow the flow of any other traffic if it's there. If I'm the only one, I just go on the

you can fix colorblindness (they've done it in monkeys) with viral therapy with several shots directly to the eye. To give us mantis shrimp vision, you'd also have to change the optic nerve and brain. Good luck getting volunteers for any study that involves "injecting viruses into the brain"

I respond to that question with an analogy to tone deafness. For some reason people understand that more readily than anything else I've tried.

colorblind lefty here!

I'm colorblind and think it looks terrible, but that might just be coincidence

consider the biology of it. Think of it like an algorithm. If you run the output back into it, you're likely to get a different value. I could explain in more depth if need be.

I had the opposite experience with a teacher. I was the only colorblind person in his chemistry (and later physics) class, yet he was kind enough to ask me which colors of chalk to use

so... No more subtitles or ability to rebind keys, right?

once got publicly humiliated in kindergarten by a teaching assistant after I said that there was no purple crayon... Didn't find out about color blindness for another four years or so

my brother is a graphic designer. I'm a programmer. Both of us are colorblind, but mine is way worse.

I have orange hair and am colorblind. I hate it because it looks like the color vomit to me. Dark red looks brown but "wrong." I don't know how else to explain it.