I guess you didn’t know we have alligators around here. Look — they dragged your extension cord onto the hood and chewed it all up into little pieces!
I guess you didn’t know we have alligators around here. Look — they dragged your extension cord onto the hood and chewed it all up into little pieces!
No, you A-L-W-A-Y-S call the police first; before doing anything else. Produces immediate documentation of the time you called, whom you spoke with, and your immediate side of the story before a patrol officer arrives. This is in ANY situation with another party.
Joule thief!
A lot of times when I see a person who’s much shorter than me, I think, “I wonder how many of that person I could take on in a fight and hold my own.” This is usually something I think about at my 6-year old’s soccer games.
Jesus, the person in the red coat riding at that point just disappears into the tangled wreckage.
Anker’s PowerCore battery packs are your favorite portable chargers, and it’s not even close. And today only, the…
You can’t do that, there’s not enough room on a carrier for all of that. Carriers are built for one thing and that’s to serve as a floating air base and form follows function so there’s no room for additional weapon’s systems. Despite their size, a carrier with a full air wing is a crowded place and it takes a…
They LITERALLY just added all the things the original BF II already did and cockily call it innovation.
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
Great write up Gita! Hello all. I’m “Elliot” from the article. Tim and I would just like to make it known that Mike was so much more than a Destiny PVE guru. We understand that the focus of this story is the gaming side of his life because...well...this is Kotaku. He is survived by his girlfriend Christy and two…
It’s official : humans are just glorified penguins.
If you are a penguin and feeling suicidal, please call 1800-226-8359. That’s 800-CAN-TFLY.
Underestimate penguins at your own risk, Tom:
I originally had a snarky response ready to go, but using the Enterprise as a unit is actually pretty brilliant
Depth should be in fathoms and area should be relative to the size of Texas.
Not to mention the room didn’t actually exist, implying that either Mimikyu directly, psychologically/spiritually attacks the player (and your pokemon are representative psychological constructs of yourself in this case), or that it’s actually capable of creating spacial distortions and fights you in one.
“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”