Staged likely; not fake (it was a real video; of real idiots). And yes; I was entirely amused.
Staged likely; not fake (it was a real video; of real idiots). And yes; I was entirely amused.
My experience has always been:
Home Depot: 7 employees in the entire store; but every goddamned one of them remarkably helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly.
I knew it wasn’t Fancy Kristen straight away...
As if she’d deign to live in a condo, with neighbors...other meddling human beings, within eye, ear, nose, or snipers range.
I’ve always assumed Fancy Kristen lives on a private island populated by her, an occasional visitor, and a custom road course with replicas of the…
One of my coworkers told me she won’t try bacon due to religious reasons.
I, on the other hand, refuse to try religion due to bacon reasons.
I’ve never been so disappointed by someone NOT biting it in a video in my entire life.
I saw one the other day where dude jumped out of passenger side (driver was filming)...while “dancing” alongside the (thankfully slowmoving, and human-piloted) vehicle...he removed his shirt, then his shoes, then his pants; tossing each item into the truck. Soon as he was down to his boxers...the driver hauled-ass…
I’m not defending Microsofts relationship with least not anything beyond the point that they are being paid to provide a service to them; along with the rest of the federal government.
You’re missing the same point these protesters are:
Time for two things to happen:
I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t get onbaord with the entire “a person can’t be ‘illegal’” thing; simply re-branding them:
Sorry man, you need to do two things:
$17 million a year, which, for a city with an annual budget of nearly $90 billion, is a little bit more than chump change but not much.
These are the same assholes that are okay with making an infant undocumented immigrant take the stand and defend it’s existence in our country.....
I envision this:
When your form of protest moves from Peaceful to need to reevaluate your priorities, tactics, and the message you’re intending to send.
I saw that pic and said “holy crap, is that Sophia Loren”....
Holy crap! One of them...ONE OF THEM...had an actual instinct of self preservation....
Is it wrong of me to want to punch her in the mouth?