Okay...so....fuck mandating that peoples’ homes have in-place (and likely by the time they buy the home, already outdated) chargers...
Okay...so....fuck mandating that peoples’ homes have in-place (and likely by the time they buy the home, already outdated) chargers...
So...is the US ever going to wise-up and institute a tiered drivers licensing system?
So...is that a “flying car” or is that a “personal aircraft”.
We need a proper set of working definitions here. When I hear “car” in the popular-context of the masses I define it as: “a personal automobile, licensed and registered to provide daily transportation along city/county/state/interstate highways...”.
Maybe i was taught wrong...but i was taught:
I’m thinking you missed my middle paragraph above:
I honestly didn’t even realize Survivor was still a thing....
Edited to add: Survivor, however, highlights everything I hate about reality show competition shows...it’s the anti-ANW.
He’s had a bad summer Rampage didn’t do that well either.
Ahh, the Autobhan example...sure; we can do that; as soon as our licensing requirements are as stringent as they are in Germany.
If you’re unsure:
Republicans {campaigning}: Less Regulation! Let the free market decide!
Doesn’t matter who the driver is; 130mph isn’t safe in, generally, any car older than ~2000.
Montana learned this with their un-restricted speed highways experiment. It’s human nature; we see the “maximum speed” sign as a “you must drive this fast” sign...and all the kids in their beat down 1980's hondas were just…
No, he wears baggy clothing to try and hide the fact that he’s obese.
If executed properly* the basic thoughts behind his idea for helping the homeless makes somewhat rational sense. He’s not wrong about the cost of living, cost of housing, and even cost of food/supplies in the suburbs/rural spaces compared to the cities.
70km/h = ~45m/h Not a highway by stretch. Looking at the pictures it’s more a semi-residential parkway.
School zone or not (likely not with a 70kp/h {45mp/h}) speed limit. These tools were all doing damn near double the limit.
seriously...how...HOW...is that rear door card and fender well still blue?
I was more being snarky that car companies keep calling 4-door cars coupes, and not (properly) sedans.
A major test to prove one is NOT a computer is to identify street signs, road markings, animals, people, etc. in a photograph.
amusing thing is a lot of companies in the private sector DO consider your debt/credit when hiring. For several reasons such as “is this person going to rip us off in order to repay that debt” or depending on the debt “this person seems to make poor decisions” or “this person is irresponsible to amass such a debt and…