
But Coupes have rear seats now!

The backseats in “performance” cars serve 99% of the owners the same purpose as the bedspace serves 99% of pickup owners.

So...did you somehow know that I had my physical just yesterday and my doctor called me today already complaining that my cholesterol was too high?

Congratulations to the Republican Candidate of New York District 14.

I rarely weigh in on hollywood contratulating themselves, but in this case i will:

Meanwhile, in congress:

So...I’m guessing you’re one of those:

“Those sci-fi fans waste so much time and energy on costumes and stuff”
but who also says
“And this is totally normal and fine because...#Football”:

There’s a great group of guys & gals out here in Virginia that started a chairity around their Star Wars rides:

and there is no rule that says you can’t daily drive a classic.

I’d say height is fair game. Becuase...frankly...when it comes to the swipe-apps (Tinder/Bumble/etc.)...you’re going for physical attraction first. And, height is a contributer to physical attraction.

Irony is the Asian-character name’d kinja account calling someone 5'11" “short”.

I also added:

(7) Any public bathroom selfie. (Gym selfies are a pretty much in this vein as well.)

Seriously...if you’re SO vain that you can’t help but to take a picture of yourself while in a nasty (or even clean) public bathroom...I’m going to assume you’re also the type of person that literally can’t leave your

‘Jesus didn’t break laws, unlike undocumented immigrants, according to Pastor Paula White’

I’m glad that no one held a gun to my head and made me sign student loan paperwork.  Apparently these loans were just forced on so many people who didn’t actually have a choice but to go to an overpriced, name-brand, liberal arts college to get a degree with no employability...it truly is a scary world these kids live

<Sees child with chocolate on his face>
Me: Did you steal a cookie from the jar.
Child: No!
Me: Well...I’ll believe you. But, don’t do it again.
<child reaches into cookie jar>
Me: Are you reachign into the cookie jar?
Child: No!
Me: Okay.


The 16 largest ocean-shipping vessels annually contribute more air pollution than every car on the planet combined.  And that’s just the largest 16...there are thousands of them.

a) boxer briefs are superior to briefs in all ways.

The only thing I find odd about this is I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a couple in my lifetime that were similar-sized enough to share underwear....