
How are they different from ISIS?

Alternate headline:

I am just NOT a fan of the modern trend towards all plastic front ends....

First I’ve heard that Elisabeth Olsen got paid just as much as Robert Downey Jr. for their roles in a film the Cumberpatch also stared in (Infinity War)....


between the low profile popups and that red towhook...

All I see is a stoned dude with his tongue lolling out...

Was a big problem when I brought my 09 Challenger to it’s first overseas assignment; having no amber...I had to <cough totally not> pay some bribes <cough totally wouldn’t do that> to get my registration approved since the federal law for vehicles in that country required amber signals and there weren’t even after

Inexplicable brand loyalty always gets to me.

“Fords ur der best!”
“No, Chevy’s rule, furds drool!”
“Peasants, BMW will always be the best.”
“Psh, look how much Porsche clothing I’m wearing!”

Every single automaker has had hits and failures, great successes and safety recalls, amazing innovations and absolute failures.

As much as I hate agreeing with anything that Mango Mussolini trots out...

I’ve been championing the need for Congressional Term Limits for a couple decades. All federally elected positions (POTUS, Senate, & House of Reps) need to be capped at two-terms; with an overall cap of four-total-terms for an individual spread

You think the Writers Guild (76% Male), or the U.S. Congress (80.4% Male) have any chance at understanding general Contraception, Emergency Contraception and/or Abortion-Induction....when studies show that 50% of men in the U.S. Can’t even identify the Vagina on a simple model of women’s anatomy......

After my 12 years of Active Duty service adn further 9 as a federal civilan I love reminding people that:

“Not everyone in the military is a Hero. If that were true, we wouldn’t have military prisons or military police. There’s also a LONG list of military spies; who provided our sensitive national security information

What the hell was a guy named “Skipper” not doing in the Navy anyway....

YOu missed the most important thing with skittles:

5-7 seconds in the microwave. (Caution...anything over 7 and you have created lava.)

Generally people don’t get my phone, period.

Born-and-raised carnivore here. Spent time on cattle ranches growing up in Wyoming.

You can’t make Eggplant Parmesan...vegan.

from the rotating spit I assume every meat eater has in their kitchen.