
I saw a sign later down the road....i’m sure the original never registered due to the backwards coloring and the fact that I saw the standard white/black speed limit sign doing ~65/70 and it said 65 and i was good to go.

Love those moments when you ‘save yourself’ and just play it off cool. :)

#ThatGuy coming to you...but bear with me to the end.

So...as much as we hate the speeding laws here in Virginia...

My two experiences with the DMV were ridiculously positive. Helpful, friendly clerks, minimal (<15 minute either time) wait times. They were even knowledgeable about rather obscure laws when it came to registering an antique car, on vintage plates, as a

Ironically it’s the car on the left of the photo that seems to have lived up to the reputation.

Then again, looking at the lower splitter (which is, itself, split in half and held together with gaffer tape)...it’s pretty spot on with this car as well.

This is what they mean by “turn into the skid”.

Terrorism: Intentionally killing/harming/threatenting people to advance a social or political agenda.

For good reason. It’s the single most important safety feature

Considering that Virginia has the most asinine speeding laws in the US

At least when I lived there ~2005-2008, there was a Cigar Bar / Restaurant in Darwin Australia called “Lewinski’s”; their tagline was “even presidents have private lives”. The art on the walls was comprised of quotes from the testimony.

Your profile picture, combined with this rant, is the height of epic irony.

God hate really does make you ugly. Why is it always the dumpiest looking girls

You are correct.

Carl is...basically...wrong. Using this method to make infused liquors is the same science as to why pressure cookers work faster than open pots. It has nothing to do with adding gas into a substance to add volume and texture like whipped cream or readywhip.

Mormon Leaders: “Wait, they’re wanting to treat girls as equal to boys, and let them go camping and go fishing?”
Staff: “Yup.”
Mormon Leaders: “And, we’re out.”

Bring back the guillotine.

Oh yeah, that’s mine. Handles better than you’d think...but it’s temperamental.

The best description I’ve ever heard; from a movie titled “Johnny Got His Gun (1971)“ {which, incidentally, I only know of thanks to Metallica’s “One”}

I was really hoping this article would end with:

“Now that they know where it’s at; they’re going to rebuild this engine and show you how it can be.”

I’m sort of sad that they’re just going to dyno, and then throw away, the old.

A big problem with the “lower pay for these ‘lower’ skills” debate is the “football” issue:

“We have to pay these guys millions of dollars per year because it’s such a physically taxing industry, the human body can only do it for 3-7 years.”

But when you want to apply that mentality to construction, lumberjacking,