First: Being nervous in front of a crowd has NOTHING to do with introversion. It has everything to do with lack of experience. Even the most naturally extroverted person will have some stage fright the first few times. Can we please stop with the bullshit correlation that introversion = shy?
“Make sure that you have your passport or supporting documents along with your driver’s licence,” said Bennett. “I know I would if I was in a foreign country.”
I just want to live in a world where people are innocent until proven guilty...
but now there’s at least one thing you won’t have to pay extra for anymore
fatherparent who doesn’t teachhistheirsonchild- even a wimpy one like the one in the commercial - how to change a tire is nofatherparent.
To be fair...
My dad’s an HVAC tech; if you were to ask me to fix the A/C at your house...you’d probably give me a C+ (or worse) for my efforts.
Now that’s funny...
Please...whatever that mess is y’all call pizza is a natural disaster that you’ve been exporting for the better part of a century.
(I kid, I kid, I love Chicago deep dish...I just felt the need to be contrary.)
Where do you live that no natural disaster can destroy your home?
My friend was adamant that they way a turbocharger worked was it took exhaust gasses that weren’t fully burnt and put it back in the intake to recombust in the motor.
Two words for you my friend:
New Orleans
Hey now...I love the “bad parents don’t teach kids how to change tires, and pay a LOT more for insurance because of it” one....
as rich as Trump claims to be
The word “niggardly” doesn’t have the same etymology as well, the other word but I’m sure as shit not using it.
So: <Conway, talking about the SD payment> “You have to focus on his Tweets, not what he said on the plane.”
Then: <Conway, talking about the NK Hostages> “Stop focusing on the Tweets and focus on what he is saying.”
I’ll take: “Commenters who didn’t watch the video” for 1000, Alex.
Volkswagen Electric’s unofficial motto: Fuck the Dakotas