
I’m so glad i’m not a parent today. I see my friends bending over backwards making special meals, buying special things for their kids...it seems so exhausting.

I believe it was the great LT Sam Weinberg, while in a discussion with LTJG Daniel Caffee who said it best:

There’s two things I never pass by:
a) an opportunity to show off my car
b) a gas station

I’m happy to help her find that contact lens she dropped....

To be fair, I use the app as an all-expenses tracker; repairs, fuel, insurance, the works...I built the car for Smiles to the gallon....not miles.

I was assuming similar; just figured that one stations verison of a fuel detergent made releasing the bubbles a slower process...

Well; there is one reason; many handguns (even the Glock in the lede story) do not have a releasable hammer; it must be ‘dry fired’ in order to release the hammer in order to disassemble/clean/service.

Owner in the comment-story is an absolute fucking moron for not racking, checking the chamber, and ensuring it wasn’t

I’m a life-long fat guy, and I fully endorse this ranking.

The big problem i have is the inconsistency between pumps...

I fill up predominantly between two stations; one shell, on exxon. I know my tank size, and I know how much gas i need by the needle pretty precisely to this point.

Just imagine how much better off everyone would have been if more scared people in that restaurant had had their own guns...and just how much safer everyone in the untrained, haphazard crossfire would have been.

It.s the Jaguar Oil Leak Torture.

Ran when parked.

And for anyone who noticed......my daily driver is also my track-day car. Thus the “Max MPG 21.58" (when I spent a whole tank on the highway going to the beach in Delaware last summer) and the “Min MPG 8.581" (the last time I spent the day at the track).

Amazing how much difference drive style makes. :)

Bragging about your electric car at Pikes Peak defeats 3/4 the purpose of taking your car to Pikes Peak.

My co-pilot, Yoda is.

I need consistent fill-ups so I know my mileage. Fill it until it clicks, then once more, every time.

Now playing

Mines more of a tradition than a superstition...but...this is the first song that ever gets played in any car I own. It just happened to be on the radio when I got my first beater in highschool. As a joke, my friend popped in the CD when I got my 2nd car...and it just kept happeneing from there.