Friend of mine swore that:
Friend of mine swore that:
I had a meeting in downtown DC last Friday. Friend and I decided, since the weather was awesome, to go for a walk down to the river to see the Cherry Blossoms (we work for the State Department, basically across the street from the Lincoln Memorial).
I still firmly hold that so-called 4-door “Wranglers” are the worst for-profit bastardization of a historied vehicle known to man.
Not even remotely my style of music....
That lede photo betrays how exhausted Ms. Markle is with the relentless limelight she’s (unwittingly?) stepped into. Even coming from hollywood, where as a trained actress she’s good at parsing false emotion across her face...
That smile and wave just looks....pained and if all the poor child wants is to…
Back when I was in high school (graduated in ‘96) Wyoming had just upped the limit on interstates to 85. (My yearbook quote was “85 still isn’t fast enough”).
Montana similarly removed the speed limit on some stretches of interstate, replacing the limit with a law that was really poorly written basically saying cops…
So...let me get this right:
As someone who’s life’s experience of HPD training was in up-armored vehicles...but who has recently built a car for track days and only had it on the track once...this is a phenomenal video & article...
Thanks for it!
“You don’t sue Smith and Wesson when your son shoots someone, right?”
What do you drive when you need to go on a long trip that exceeds your range?
I explain the same thing to folks. I do good because it’s good. You do good because you’ve been promised a reward or a punishment based on your actions.
Trump is the result of a long-existing ideological divide....not the cause of it.
So...if I let go of the wheel while driving my Honda Pilot and family can sue because it’s obvious I expected the Pilot to be in control the whole time....right?
Tequila? Not me...never touch the shit....
THIS is exactly what my lunch break; with a 1300 meeting immediately following...needed.
Thank you so much.
It’s like 2016 all over again.
But just the act of creating methamphetamines or bombs is illegal and enough for jail sentences....
So...I’m all for naitive rights...but am i missing something out of this summary:
a) Naitive doesn’t want to pay taxes (and if that’s how the law works, awesome).
b) Native wants to take advantage of tax-supported infrastructure (the highway) to increase his (non-tax-base-supporting) personal business.