Ugh...they now incorporated the already ugly and over-used Fish-Maw front grille (that’s on every effing ford these days) into the trunk/rear bumper.
Ugh...they now incorporated the already ugly and over-used Fish-Maw front grille (that’s on every effing ford these days) into the trunk/rear bumper.
Your property, do what you want.
what happened to the concept of democracy? If 600 out of 10,000 households want to have a non-functional car in their yard, shouldn’t their preferences get some respect?
A star for you Patrick; I haven’t heard that song in Ages.....’re not supposed to drink melted butter?
Friends of mine with a 3-year old realized around Christmas of 2017 that their kid had so many toys...that they’d never even un-packaged (obviously, much less played with) some that she’d gotten for Christmas of 2016.
I’m confused what Religion in the White House has to do with the Right to Keep & Bear Arms....
Or did you mean the 1st Amendment? (Which is very much tempered not only by the Establishment Clause but by many, many subsequent supreme court decisions and federal-employee-conduct regulations.)
On hearing the news last night I immediatley questioned myeslf:
Does attorney/client privilege still exist when knowledge of crime-committed is documented?
It’s very important to note that the hotel in the very same hotel at which {two other people, unrelated to the case at hand} had sex.
IT’s a Ship...if it’s not measured in either Cubits or Fathoms you fail...
Agreed, or at the least, they should take what they should pay in taxes and use it for the less fortunate.
Also, mega-churches need to start paying taxes.
Much to the displeasure of my mother I still hold by my statement that:
“The only thing I learned growing up Catholic in rural Utah...was Atheism.”
Track Day here I come!
Last first date I had...we’d decided to meet for lunch during the work week; we worked close enough together that it was convenient, etc. We pre-discussed that we’d both be coming in work attire (her in scrubs {she’s a nurse}, me in a suit {work for the State Dept.})....
Lunch went (in my opinion) great; but I didn’t…
I’m fairly certin this has nothing to do with black/white...
After serving many years overseas, now that I’m back stateside, I took an inventory of all the e-residue I’ve been hauling around with me. (I’m an IT security type; so just throwing data-devices away wasn’t an option, especially in...say...Russia.)
I took your advice, and am now drinking a bottle of blue-cheese dressing at my salad/lettuce necessary.
I’ve had wagyu before; and while tasty; i’ll take a less-fatty, more meaty steak nearly any day of the week. Yeah, it’s rich, melty, and delicious...but in that same sort of way that you can only really enjoy one cadburry cream egg per year....