...intellectual property...
The only lesson learned here for MB Canada:
All I can say is that anyone not hired by you for this reason is lucky to not have to work for you.
To me, I’ve got the only collision avoidance feature I need; and it’s served me well for 25+ years of driving: Me...without a phone...not eating...not shaving...not doing my hair/makeup. Just me, actively driving and paying attention while doing so.
That’s probably the most real smile I’ve ever seen on the face of one of $Kay’s delivery drivers....
These jobs ― they’re very hard to come by. And if I quit, I owe the company 40 percent of my salary, plus a percentage of the [redacted] years remaining on my contract, plus any bonuses that they’ve paid to me and any reimbursements that they’ve paid to me. And they’re going to take me to court for it. And in the…
That botoxed up...she really has no nerve (function)....I’m just saying....
‘77 Caprice here....does every teen in the world get a beat-down, million-mile, chevy for their first?
Elected senior governmental leadership positions (governor, state/federal congress, etc) should have their pay capped at the median pay for all civil sector jobs within their representative districts.
Indiana Jones and the Retirement Home of Doom
So...just so I get it:
Sorry, I should have said “so our congresspeople can profit from the lobbyists funneling them cash by keeping the programs ongoing”
So...the choices you present are:
General Dynamics: Get your M1 Abrams Tanks, only $8,500,000 each!
You made me google it...
The after-market power-window kit (front windows only) for my car is 25lbs shipping weight...so make it 20lbs additional vehicle weight....those things add up quick!