
Fun Fact! The 2000 Census, conducted by a Democratic president’s administration, had this question as well. Don’t belive me? Go here:

I trust a pilot to use and understand an auto-pilot system correctly much more than I trust every Tom, Dick and Harry to use and understand an auto-pilot system.

See the guy way at the top-right corner of the photo looking at wreckage...he’s looking at the front of the car....

K but how many people have been killed by people driving their own cars? That experiment has clearly failed, yet here we remain.

When it comes to autonomous driving, car enthusiasts are first in line to nix the idea.

I’m a single guy, and fairly anti-kid to boot...

And you, my friend, are WAY off the mark.

Parent’s shouldn’t be bringing their kids to bars, or to upscale restaurants. But Applebees, Denny’s, IHOP...those are fair game. If you don’t want to be around 20% of humanity...you need to not frequent places that actively

Good point. I was being overly binary.

Very good point. I was thinking in fairly solid absolutes. Guess I’m dealing with my inner Sith today.

Because for red-states it’s a great source of income. They believe everyone should be allowed to carry guns everywhere all the time; and they’re more than happy to take your money.

Hey, show some respect! It takes an incredibly skilled and brave hunter to shoot a slow moving, docile, herbivore from 30-yards away.

Doesn’t common sense dictate that someone turning to guns in the last days of their failing marriage is a MAJOR WARNING SIGN?

Additionally, the story says, tests by safety tech company Mobileye revealed its own systems would have been able to detect the pedestrian one second before the crash, Bloomberg reports.

So...I’m a veteran. I enjoy going to the range for an afternoon of target shooting on any given weekend. I’m also a left-leaning centrist.

Now playing

One of the best things I’ve seen on the internet in months:

I really want to know exactly what your face looked like when you saw that and realized how lucky you just got.

Was it outright belly laughter?
Sheer relief?

So...I watch “street outlaws” regularly (don’t judge me, we all have bad habits!)...and I wonder how most of their cars don’t just get fucked up all the time. They’re running street(ish) conditions...but how do they not suck all sorts of rocks, tire rubber, etc, through their unfiltered turbos all the bloody time:

As the daily-driver of a manual with a floor mounted high-beam switch...reading this only one phrase popped into my head....

I can’t remember where it’s from, but it’s stuck with me:

Autonomous vehicles need to be flawless and perfect before they’re allowed to be on the road!

For what it’s worth:

I’ve been using a the Harmony Ultimate Home and the Harmony Hub (with the z-wave extender) for about two years now. I have it connected to:
Home entertainment (of course)
{TV, Receiver, BluRay, HTPC, Fios, RPi, & Chromecast}
Schlage Connect front door lock
Philips Hue Lights (via the philips hub)

For what it’s worth:

I’ve been using a the Harmony Ultimate Home and the Harmony Hub (with the z-wave extender) for

Dude point of view; so of course take this with the requisite grains of salt:

Of all the times I’ve updated and submitted resumes to companies; I’ve not once included GPA/grades. Nor have I ever been asked.
Also, of all the times I’ve been in a position to review applicants resumes...not a single time has the