
I turned it off after the 4th of 5th time it activated when just pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I only learned about the change about two weekends while at an MD Winery. But yup...that was the only thing that made MD worth anything... (VA resident {transplant} here)

After a rogue pickled jalapeño split my pizza stone clean in half last year

It used to be Jousting...but they changed the state sport to boring ass lacrosse in 2004. (Lacrosse: where the white kids go when they don’t make the high school football team)

Just be happy it was the Indiana State Police that got him and not Virginia.....

Oh Torch, you never cease to entertain.

Guy: “I need something reliable.”

Torch: “Buy a Wankel!”

wear ID badges while on school grounds

seriously though...why is the yolk of that egg so milky white?

Does he not realize:
a) his idea failed in both the 80's and the 90's
b) *no one* watches commercials; half the country fast forwards them (I <3 DVR); the ohter half goes and pees
c) kids see right through that sort of stupid shit; see “a” above.

24-year-old white man

...Nazi has won the Republican primary in Illinois after running unopposed...

So...do you go off the handle every time an actual Uber Driver hits someone?

Said it before, i’ll say it again:

Autonomous cars don’t need to be anywhere near perfect/flawless. My opinion, they need to be as minimally skilled/qualified as the most minimally skilled/qualified human driver:

That is...they need to be as attentive, skilled, experienced, and safe as a 16 year old with a cellphone in

I don’t know about Jeepsus....but *something* has risen.

I only had it built/painted a year ago... :)

A portion of the proceeds will go to charity.

I was rolling down the Dulles Toll Road (DC region FYI) just on Saturday in my street-legal but track-ready Mustang.

Some guy in a Jetta (that already had massive front end damage from a prior collision...to the point that I was worried even at 65 his hood wasn’t going to stay attached)....kept rolling up next to me,