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    Hasn't been my experience at all — and this is with companies like Bank of America and AT&T. They responded to tweets after only about 15min, and were generally very helpful with figuring out the problem. Like Adam said, the whole thing happens in public, so they want to get it fixed quickly.

    Well, it can't be any worse than Your Highness, I guess.

    They've obviously got a defined set of things they say, that's for sure.

    Thank goodness telling someone how to break the law isn't a crime.

    I second what ol' Muscles said — the best way is to just search around the intarwebs and find a good community involving your car. There will always be one, no matter how obscure you think your car is, and the people there will be more than happy to show off how much they know.

    Considering the amount of suspicious code that actually makes it into Apple's "walled garden," I wouldn't put too much faith in it. They only check to see if the app works and doesn't crash — they don't go through every app, line by line. Even with their weeks-long delays, they don't have the manpower to do that.

    A high school teacher with a Nobel Prize. Good enough.

    You know, usually these custom jobs are pretty cruddy, but this [www.figurerealm.com] isn't half bad.

    He's easily taken the title of "sweetest guy on the show" from Hoyt, aye.

    I question this statement:

    "Deductions also aren't allowed if there's been 'a substantial break' since the last time you worked, even if it's in the same trade or business."

    Look close — it's the new GOP logo for their 2012 campaign.

    You can just skip those first three and drink a lot. Same number of braincells killed, but much quicker.

    Next on lifehacker, a hot new trick! How to read an article completely and thoroughly before commenting on it!

    Yeah, but this way you can tell management you're still using IE.

    Considering he hasn't even been charged with anything, I'd say even "accused" is a bit strong at this point.

    No — he's not being charged with anything, rape or otherwise. He's just a "person of interest."

    Actually, I think that's true irony for once.

    Nobody ever asks the rice how its day went, do they?

    Not only that, but most of the time they require you to get the car serviced solely at the dealership you bought the car from. (As it's their warranty, I think they can get away with that.)