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    You might want to get the original model from the original manufacturer...

    Now playing

    A small vid of one of the actual test flights..

    12 years after John F. Licklider (head of information processing techniques office at ARPA at the time) and his Galactic Network Theory memos... so yes well, not in video, but everything was already in his public memos, graphics included, which definitely inspired Arthur and his sources

    The Swiss Stromer makes already one that goes to 48kph... and is sold since at least 2 years.

    We'll finally have the means to realize that The Artist's main actor has only three faces in his whole filmography's repertoire.

    I tried watching this great footage with ska/punk instead, you should too, I like my coffee strong.

    moronic ad for sure

    what would I be if, for the sake of the experiment, I would say you're right?

    "Uranus's unique axis (on its side)"

    Because it was a shitty movie made by a washed up director? :P

    Macintosh II. Not no IIGS, not no IIFX — just a regular ol' II. :P It had a 16MHz processor and 1MB of RAM, with a 20MB 5in hard drive. It was a mess, but it was like owning something out of Star Trek in 1988 compared to everyone else's IBM clones.

    Bobby Blastoff!

    I'm sorry — I didn't know there were still people who took Calvinists seriously. :\ I've definitely never actually met an adherent of the belief system in real life.

    All depends on what denomination you're talking about. The way it was explained to me, no one is ever excluded from salvation, unless they exclude themselves by conscious act. Aliens might fall into the category of "innocents," I'd imagine.

    Yeah, I mean, we get that it's invisible pretty quick, wth.

    I would argue that someone who wouldn't welcome something like wouldn't really be a scientist. These are people who LOVE new knowledge. The "inconvenience" of new data isn't even a factor.

    Except that scientists LOVE when new systems are discovered — religious individuals mourn when their old ways are cast aside.

    I'm really surprised that NY would actually bar a law like that from taking effect. Even in Alabama, these centers have to state openly and clearly that they don't perform abortions.

    I have a feeling that perhaps NASA wouldn't be too against people accidentally thinking that.

    Jesus, I must be the only person in the world who loved Johny Mnemonic. I thought it was fun to watch. :P