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    fuel, meet fire.

    just seems average TBH

    Okay, hot Indian girl fight, FTW.

    Without an API, I wonder what black magic this gadget is doing behind the scenes to get this to work... :P

    I don't get it — what's offensive?

    You see, there's your problem — friending people from High School who you don't really care about.

    It's possibly the fact that the iPhone4 has a tiny screen? 3.5" was kinda smaller than average even more than a year ago when it came out — qHD 4.3" phones like the Moto Photon would be basically "Retina" displays if they were shrunk down to 3.5", just like the iPhone. The problem is, no other phone manufacturer

    Lots of legs, too.

    God, looks terrible. It's amazing everyone involved in that wasn't killed afterwards.

    On Nokias you only had to type the word 3 times in a row to get it forced into the dictiionary. Also iPhones will correct to words/names you have in your phone book. A great way to get it to remember trains stations and favourite swearwords is just make a contact entry full of all th words you want to use.

    i'mma get up in them squiddy guts, girl.

    his utensil-advocacy is utopian...for a monkey. was he not on board for all those synergy meetings that sparked team-building exercises that brought on revenue-centric demographical surveys that demanded innovative products that consumers wanted to consume? (i.e. the iphone?) certainly the man who penned and banked on

    As a Timbers fan living in Portland not lucky enough to catch a game in person yet, this is awesome because you don't get to see this kinda stuff on ROOT or ESPN.

    who proudly shows off pictures their kids anymore?

    well, i like him even less now. thank you for pointing that outrage out to me.

    now, that's a 'stache. i might have stolen your thunder with my post above yours, but either way, i applaud your facial hair efforts, good sir.

    this guy's cocky use of a fake mustache is appalling. it's wannabes like you, matt, that give earnest, hardworking, real-mustachioed gentlemen like myself a bad wrap.

    Maybe that's because the Sears tower is the god-damned ugliest thing ever? :p

    Bout time — how long has the 2G been out for now?

    Yes, unless you buy a CPU marked "OEM." These do _not_ come with heatsinks and fans.