Shawn Light

I can’t believe that, in 2016, any parent would endanger their child by exposing them to the kind of bullying that will inevitably come from wearing a fedora in public. You’re too old to wear a fedora. The world knows it. Your son’s classmates know it.

Live shot of Andrew Collins covering the race:

It’s Seattle, if he had said vein all the junkies drawn to brown-town by the giant space needle would show up at his door

I have a wrangler hard top. When it’s off, it’s off all day, out in public. So far in Maine I haven’t even had so much as a bird shit in it for 3 summers. Someone could easily take it out of gear and release the handbrake too...

But life is way easier when you don’t worry about what-ifs

We assume people aren’t assholes.

So this is a question to all convertible owners. Why the hell so many of you leave your car outside or in a public garage with a top down? What is the point? We get it, you got a convertible. It takes less than 20 seconds to put the roof up and you only have to hold one button. I freak out when I think I left my

Spoken like a true Facebook stalker. I should know. We can smell our own.

Trespassing isn’t “vandalism”.

This is the face of a man who uses “golly” in casual conversation.

Oddly appropriate

Love his attitude. Can we donate to the prosecution?

Or maybe a “pay for experience level” option where you can pay extra to have some ex racer or maybe even your favorite motorcycle journalist shuffle you around.

They should build a simple commuter car. Say, gets a certain level of fuel economy and speed, but has enough room for a small family. Smart engineering and consolidating supply lines would make it cheap to manufacture but not feel like a cheap car.

Careful where you shove that camera.

*awaits $kycogs pic for the COTD winner*

Nope. These do:

Well, your veins do end up sticking out from mercilessly jerking off a lot.

Looks like a Veyron