Wes Hutchings

I’m through giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Point to a question I didn’t address.

Yes, I’m the sober one explaining things to people.

That’s not the point. You claimed to know the correct meaning, but chose the popular, but incorrect meaning.

If you also want to inebriate the baby and give it brain damage.

Hmmm, sounds like a limited understanding of the subject.

Which again, they can google to get most of it. Have espionage divisions to get the rest.

Then why would you state it as different from what you say you know it is?

I think you should reacquaint yourself with how capitalism actually works.

A meritocracy is based on the idea that if you want a person in charge of say space flight, then the person most qualified in understanding the problems involved should be running it.

Yes, capitalism is the problem. It is based on creating artificial scarcity and controlling debt. Control is pretty much entirely in the hands of those who benefit most from it and as time goes on they only gain more control.

If I punch you in the face, then kick you in the balls, have you gained intelligence if I then say, as your lying bleeding on the ground, “That was a left uppercut, delivered from Tiger stance, while the kick was delivered straight up with a right foot, housed in a Magnum 10 inch Tactical boot with a composite toe.

While you are clearly an incredibly articulate genius.

Who is doing good and how are they tripping over each other?

A joke usually possesses some relevance to what is being discussed. Do feel free to explain the relevance of your joke to the subject.

When do you think I brought up the president?

It means that I am posting on a tablet with a touch keyboard and I forgot to check my typing.

When given the choice, people will choose themselves over someone else.

Giant Meteor would not have failed, if it had support from the people.

Why are you asking me a question in answer to my question?