Pretending we have intillegent options, has never been good for us all.
Pretending we have intillegent options, has never been good for us all.
After a strike has occured, what operational security do you imagine you’re protecting?
Oh good, I was worried there wouldn’t be any celebrities willing to tell us what to do on matters of such great import.
People who either decide they don’t have enough money, or those who over extended themselves trying to keep up with the Jones’.
What percentage of cops are this stupid or power mad?
Resource based economy with a meritocracy based government structure.
Arming troops leads to escalation, like war.
“How does your suck, make my suck, suck any less?”
The better question might be, “How could this possibly occur in which had cars that could drive themselves?”
Telling someone you have a gun in that situation is meant as a deterrent, not a threat.
Armed revolution.
Most people being good, does not diminish the effects of that percentage who are bad. They actually make it more socially acceptable over time.
Technology can and will as fast as people can afford it, build it and decide to use it.
1. Persons act like dickless wonders.
I don’t see a significant problem.
I like when a statistic comes together.
All good points.