Kill them?
Kill them?
1. You’re delusional, but then we already knew that. Feel free to provide a quote to support your assertions.
Well, the jealousy bar seems to be getting lower and lower with each passing day.
The big pipes that have grown so large that now they more resemble something these guys might want to insert their penis’ in?
There’s this thing called time. It’s used to separate now from then.
Delusional fuckwit, that must be fun for you. he used it’s Roget’s Thesaurus equivalent.
Thanks my mom gave it to me.
But instead it was someone with a hot phone.
It’s always helpful when morons self identify.
This is sad, but then here’s some more support for sad. Meaning this sucks.
Yes, in the beginning it does matter, because that was who the cars were initially marketed to.
Facts can be your friends. It’s a pity you lack them both.
Interesting, even in the 40's homeless men were just things.
Every time a moron crashes a Ford an angel gets their wings.
Everything about capitalism is designed to keep you in debt.
The kicker is that you are too stupid to realize that not using one’s real name on the internet is similar sort of protection.
You’re a lying sack of shit Tinkerbell. Enjoy that.
Hmmm, I don’t know. A quarter million dollars and it only shreds tires.