Huh, no unanswered Bernie Sanders questions.
Huh, no unanswered Bernie Sanders questions.
How many people like that can afford a Tesla?
You’re retarded. You had the chance to just claim being a retarded troll, but that time has passed.
It’s Tesla’s fault that they got more customers than anticipated?
1. This is only an issue for people who travel with their Tesla. If you just plug in your car at night on your home charger, this will never be an issue unless you driver over 260 miles a day or use Ludicrous mode because you enjoy the smell of burnt rubber.
I wear my seat belts every day. I also know the proper use of a turn signal, let’s see if you can explain that.
Except with less skill, more random chance and reality can remove your characters from the board at anytime.
I think in that case the EPA or other testers would be required to test each mode and determine an average for the system.
The reality of the circumstance says otherwise.
I remember this when they first showed it in Road & Track or Car & Driver. I forget which.
No, but you’re still a lying sack of shit Tinkerbell.
Here’s the problem.
It’s interesting you keep bringing up DNA. Quote when I brought it up.
Nope, but thanks for reinforcing your delusional state.
I have no kids.
Nothing quite proves someone’s a liar like them claiming a victory they can’t prove.
Then prove it. You’re big on accusations, but light on evidence.
I’m pretty sure that’s Baby Diarrhea Green.
Thank you for an additional reason to keep in my back pocket for not liking Ford.