
Seeing this at the top gives me hope. Even in the most echoey of echo chambers this trendy bullshit is rightly ridiculed.

I really don’t understand it. They’re obviously here to troll, then when they get called out on trolling they defensively say something like “WELL JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A DIFFERENT VIEWPOINT..Blah blah” Oh Bull. Shit! If they really didn’t care for this stuff, they wouldn’t even waste time commenting in the first place.

Gender = sex.  You’re confused from nonsense liberal media.

Its basically all bullshit, but liberals want to keep pandering to mental illness. 

I got a raise without asking. Maybe I just have a good boss. The boss should always do the work/research like that. That's their job. They are responsible for your salary, not you.

There are times in life where people don't give you what you want, but you don't have to settle for disappointment.