Yvette Regrets

Who sees him as white? So weird. (Sorry, as a light skined POC I always get confused when anyone sees an obviously non-white perosn who just happens to have light skin, as white). Light =/= white

How do I get on that list? I know he's kind of shitty, but he's my #1 celebrity crush.

If only there was a tv show where Rosario Dawson just punched people out; I'd tune in every week or just binge watch episode after episode….

Well now I'm going to get a gyro for dinner tonight; thanks for the idea!

I really don't like cats but I honestly don't think I have it in me to kill one.It makes me weepy to kill bugs though

In fiction, I'm more bothered by animal deaths; in real life, well, I miss my dog but his death was nothing compared to the loss of my father or brother. I guess, in real life though, I am more bothered by the deaths of animals I don't know than people I don't know-so maybe I'm just crazy.

I had to put my 13 year old pitbull to sleep about 6 months ago and I'm crying in my cubicle right now. So I'm totally there with you

I wept like a big stupid baby for like an hour after that movie.

I was eight when I first saw "Dream Child" and I'm still feeling some type of way about it.

Starring Barbara Kruger as Freddy Krueger!

Actually, I kind of want to top him

They seem like boring pets but not really exotic.

"They bought two 50-inch plasma-screen TVs and they mounted them on top of each other on the same wall. Now my boy Josh is a bit of a gamer, so he’s got his Xbox hooked up to one. And my girl Kira here, well, she likes to binge-watch Netflix. So as a couple, they like nothing more than to sit next to each other and do

I saw them live a few months ago and they are really fun in concert. They have one song that they just kept playing slower and slower until it ground to a halt and it sounded amazing.

And so the laptop is beginning to think freely.

Yep, that's me, dumb as a sack of hair because I like Fred.

Well that's pretty reprehensible

I think you meant to say "The way Joss Whedon dealt with Charisma Carpenter's pregnancy really messed the show up in a lot of not good ways."

You shut your mouth; Fred is the best!

"I have centuries to discover the things that make you whimper." aka the line which kicked off puberty for me.