Yvette Regrets

I grew up in New Orleans so I didn't realize that turtle wasn't eaten everywhere until I was an adult. People elsewhere seem horrified that turtle soup in an Xmas staple, but I can't imagine the holidays without it.

My house is a smooth 980 sq feet - which is perfect for a couple who want no children and enjoy nice furniture.

Sympathy like from LOUISIANA. UGHHHHHHHH

I mean, maybe their dogs need to go to the vet for their shots?

I'm ready for some Camille Paglia drag right about now

She also does the music for it - which is really good!

I'm already gay-I'm afraid that I may die from having my fabulousity removed forcibly.

New Orleans-with a childhood spent in Southern Florida, South Texas, Southern California, the Bahamas, Mexico, and Belize (we moved a lot for my dad's job, just never Northernly areas). As an adult, I've been further North, but always during the Summer.

I think he might be a good match for Valencia actually.

I would immigrate in a minute but I've never even seen snow; I'd probably die on arrival. I mean, immigration isn't that easy and I'm probably going to die in a gay conversion camp next year anyway so…

We can all hope the same for the prez

Oh they probably will

Trump is just trying to show America the (White) Power of Love

I do have a pretty nice rack but I'd want to punch any stranger who commented on it.

I once had a date tell me I had "beautiful collarbones" and I thought it was creepy af

This is always my tactic-I compliment something they're wearing or something about them that they've chosen (hairstyle, tattoos, etc) vs something they just naturally possess (it's creepy to tell a stranger that they have beautiful eyes or something).

I knew that I was being manipulated by the show but I didn't care; I loved it and got super emotional during the prisoner's interviews.

That bubble lady actress was really really bad.

Would totally hang out at that 30's cabaret bar all the time.

I don't have any children (or any contact with children) so I know literally nothing about this subject —but when I was growing up I had to eat whatever random stuff my parents gave me. I had no choice in the matter. Were my parents just tyrants? Do most people have to coerce their children into eating? I've always