Yvette Regrets

Candyman lacks the psychosexual element, but yeah, he's still awesome.

At 12, I was so hot for Pinhead. Phew…

Pinhead awoke something in childhood me. I was, completely inexplicably (to myself at 12), really really attracted to Pinhead. I mean, I get it now, but damn, all that leather and the whole pain dimension thing…. ok I'll be in my bunk now.

Offensive language is always wrong; so yep.

Far left!

Of course you have the right to your opinion—and if you'd said, "I'm not attracted to…" that would be fine-but seriously, most women aren't getting tattoos to attract men, anyway. My personal choices about my aesthetic are about me not you.

I'm pretty sure the worst is when men think they have the right to have any opinions whatsoever as to what women choose to do to their own bodies.

Every time I See a photo of a sludge metal band I think I see one of my exes in the photo— I guess he was just hella generic looking…

If we hadn't had AHS, we'd never have gotten RuPaul saying, "You're born naked and the rest is BALENCIAGA"-so worth it to me.

I will happily watch Gaynado (only if its a porn parody though)

I think I may be too brazen for all that-if I have a crush on someone I just ask them out immediately.

It took you awhile to get over someone you just asked out? You never even went on a date-how is there any time needed to get over it? (Is this one of those things I don't get because I'm a girl?)

Break Free (from this Capitalist, Hetero-Patriarchy)

Whatevs, being fat is so much easier. I'll lick a pile of donuts right now.

Just say Candyman three times and your childhood neighborhood could too be converted into an overpriced hipster enclave! Just try it.

I thought Farewell to the Flesh was actually a pretty good (if totally campy) horror film. Also, it was partially shot in New Orleans, and there's one scene that right by where I grew up, in an area that used to be a regular old blue collar neighborhood, and has recently gentrified beyond comprehension. So maybe,


No way-the sex trade would go up because we'd all start selling our bodies to aliens.

I got food poisoning and subsequently marathoned through season 2 of x files. Determined to rewatch them all before the new season!

But you're still okay with embiggens right?