Yvette Regrets

Damn! I love that Skee-Lo song!!!!

It's on the list! First of tha month

And then I make dinner and watch X-Files with my significant other!

More Pinot Noir!

I sing Adina Howard's tee shirt and panties every day after work when I change into exactly that outfit

In case you'd like a slightly less white nostalgia trip:

How would a video calendar work?

I guess I've always been a work your demographic kind of girl when it comes to dating—like I know some folks are just going to be really into my particular genre of person-so I just play up to that. But I can understand that others don't feel this way.

I always think it's weird that most folks I meet who are my age only remember the 90's rock era, not R&B, hip hop, etc. I guess it's bc I didn't grow up in white neighborhood and I went to a mostly black school, but I just don't ge tthe whole grunge nostalgia thing. Jodeci on the other hand……

Stacey Dash was one of my first crushes and now she's a FOX news Monster. Sigh…


My ex was from Mexico- and apparently Garabage was HUGE there. She had a neverending collection of Garabage tour tee shirts from when they played Mexico City.

I used to have a dog named Chester which is an appropriate for a chihuahua.

Why would you list your height as shorter than you are??? I guess I don't get it because tallness is one of those (totally pointless, I relaize) things I find really attractive. I love that my babe is 6" taller than me

The girl who was my constant tormentor in high school wore Cucumber Melon, I assume that if I smell this again I might have a panic attack. :-(

How would you know though?

Yay for Big Life Change Haircut! I just stopped straightening my hair a few months ago for the first time in my adult life-I've been blow drying my hair straight every single day since I was a teenager. And while it wasn't a haircut, it was life changing! I can't believe i wasted so much time fighting my hair.

Dikachu- I just wanted to say I get that "subculture genre" barrier to dating/meeting someone. I'm about as far outside what most ladies in my town are looking for (everyone's looking for a skinny, androgynous Cameron Esposito/Rhea Butcher type - and that's not me)- that I thought it was hopeless. If I could give

My brother would do this dead on impersonation of Porkpie.

I would watch with my grandma! She loved that show so much.