Yvette Regrets

Damn those feminists for trying to protect children

Sashay away

Just jury selection - we were all booted off the case. But even the judge looked bored

Golden Oreos and Pumpkin Oreos are both my jam.

Me :-(

I'm a much bigger fan of Rhea than Cameron-they really do have quite different styles

Gay sex is always the best-we know how the plumbing works

I will NEVER date someone I work with-that sounds so awful! Being around someone that much has to be so stressful

I guess she would be too old if the movie was about a man in his 50's that molests teenagers BUT I kind of think Maggie would have mentioned that

I had jury duty this week and the first case I sat on was a Marijuana Possessions charge - literally 8 people in the jury told the judge "I think this is stupid and a waste of time"

I watched it too! I couldn't stop- it was like this sick horrifying compulsion to see where it would go.


Bowser, is that you?!?!

That sounds so cute; I'd love it for me!

Even juggalettes need day jobs!

As an architectural historian who used to be a huge fan of hardcore music, this is literally the most pertinent thing to me ever. Yay

My dream vacation spot!

He really was very very handsome - I love the comparison to James Marsden

Damn, you're really prognosticating on what this woman will look like in ten years? Jeez-we all get older and a woman's worth isn't based on whether or not you want to bang her.

I don't want any show to have 22 episodes any more-it's too much time to fill