Yvette Regrets

A job's a job - also it produced Ravyn Symone's girlfriend-so Tyra's doing what she can.

The viewing public?

Right? At $20K I wouldn't be able to pay my rent, keep the lights on, and feed myself

He does a lot of local theater, local public radio, etc here and (at least according to friends who've worked with him) I've never heard anything about him being a diva. I think he's just ready to move on, who wouldn't be?

Finally clothes for me

My ex-girlfriend an I used to call this show "Butch Femme Investigators" and would religiously tune in because, as lesbians, we're contractually obligated to watch anything where two women flirt with each other THAT much.

I've never seen Treme but i just want to say that eyehategod and goatwhore are both really fun live.

Quintron and Pusycat have put on some of the best live shows I've ever been to!!!

Well I'm from New Orleans, so I've heard of modern New Orleans rock, but…. Also Quintron and Pusycat are awesome.

Life in the Dreamhouse is absurdist good fun!

Ancient Ones… Babies would be a badass show

Is that a real thing?????

Because haircuts are gender specific—ugh eyeroll time


Damn, this is too real, tho

I never thought I'd be cheering on the reunion of Trudie and Pete, but I couldn't help myself

I think it depends on who's raising you—I was a kid in the 80's and 90's and my parents had very little interaction with us (me and my siblings). When company was over we were expected to make an appearance then go to our rooms, we didn't watch tv together or go places together except for yearly vacations. I walked

I saw it live and I was given a reason to live another day. Amazing

DEERY LOU or gtfo

Someone at the bar I was watching this at, literally got up and walked out when Ru announced that Kennedy was staying.