Yvette Regrets

Wye Oak covering Shake It Off in 3, 2, 1….

Weirdly shipping this now

A little sad that Kenny Hill's Sculpture garden in Chauvin Louisiana didn't make the list; he was a brick layer who made concrete angels and a tower covered in a surreal sea scene. There's also a welcome sign that he painted that reads: HELL IS HERE, WELCOME — I've found it to be the perfect date spot http://abitamys

Finally someone else feels the way I do about Firefly! I feel less alone in this universe.

It's hard for me with ken Jeong; I literally hate every character he plays but he was good friends with my older brother from years ago and was a really nice sweet engaging person the couple times I've met him. When my brother was going through chemo a couple years ago Ken even did a charity event to help raise money

So glad I'm not the only thinking this

Grinder: Rob Lowe stars as a serial killing lawyer who uses Grindr to find his victims but becomes romantically entangled with serial killing doctor Robert Downey Jr. – the two slice and dice their way through Chicago’s gay scene while being hunted by sexy FBI agents Neil Patrick Harris
and Gillian Anderson.

We all know Wes Anderson doesn't have any non-fictional afternoons

I literally have all those things ready

I highly suggest watching any of the Big Bang without the laugh track clips on youtube. Watching it without the weird laughter and claps makes you realize just how surrealy unfunny this show is.

It feels like that show was just always on, like every day of the week all day at my house. Intellectually, of course, I know it wasn't, but it's the background to 97% of my childhood memories

Eh, I liked Angel better than Buffy but I don't think I could have appreciated Angel as much if I hadn't watched Buffy as well.

Cool. We all have to like something, I guess.

I'm not sure I'll ever get why people like him-I honestly felt sorry for her when I heard they got married-but then I figured his public persona must be infinitely worse than he really is, so maybe she was gonna be ok.

I'd rather have to move in with a family of sharks than live with that dude.

I think haunted house is a genre, right? I just don't know anything any more

That's not a real thing! ……..right?


Ceramic shorts!

My guess is that Roger and Tia and Tamera are involved in some sort of polygamous relationship where the two are not only sisters but sister wives.