Yvette Regrets


I am embarrassingly also on board with this suggestion.

I'm in my early 30's and I love going to operas! It's not something I could listen to at home but it's so much fun to watch and listen to live. I am usually the youngest person at the theatre though

Agreed—My lady friend gave me a 1960's Thai girl group anthology and an African Garage Rock album recently as presents—-I love finding "new" music, that isn't new.

Younger? Maybe. Prettier? Never.

I think he's totally gorgeous, so I get it.

I ended up hating April by the end, basically because she had my dream job with literally no effort and gave it up for no reason, other than that she was bored.

I've seen my mom and grandma kill turtles for soup all my life (as well as chickens, pigs, etc); something like that just can't shock me.

I don't necessarily agree with the premise of tentacle porn, but…..

I have a great aunt that had 19 children-of course this was in the 1950's-70's in a very Catholic third world country with literally no access to birth control, but…..

I'd vote for Hooray for the Riff Raff as my fav Nola band if we're talking non-hip hop and non-jazz/brass, etc

Cold Cave - Confetti
Blonde Redhead - Here Sometimes
School of Seven Bells - Low Times
Mr. Twin Sister - Kimmi in a Rice FIeld
Deerhunter - Don't Cry
Trailer Trash Tracys - Candy Girl
Chairlift - Ghost Tonight
Braids - Lemonade
Grimes - Dream Fortress
Gang Gang Dance - Chinese High

My fellow students just had such a strong attachment to them - like if I'm going to get obsessed over a local band, there's better ones to pick from (says the girl who just went to go see Juvenile and Mannie Fresh in concert this week, so really can't talk)

The greatest mystery of the ages finally solved.

I went to Tulane for grad school, and for some reason Cowboy Mouth and Better than Ezra have never stopped being popular there. I'm assuming members of the bands must have gone to school there but honestly, I have no idea.

The amount of snapchats I send of buildings is actually kind of embarrassing

I'd be super into that

I was well into my 20's before I'd ever actually beat Mario 3- I wept like a baby.

Elisabeth Reaser is gorgeous; Diana, somehow, isn't

My workplace loves Calibri, for some reason. I'm a Century Gothic fan all the way!